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Updated: August 17, 2024

This was on the Thursday afternoon, and the wedding was fixed for Friday. "Sanders, Sanders," said Sam'l, in a voice strangely unlike his own, "it'll a' be ower by this time the morn." "It will," said Sanders. "If I had only kent her langer," continued Sam'l. "It wid hae been safer," said Sanders. "Did ye see the yallow floor in Bell's bonnet?" asked the accepted swain.

"It 'mazes me, sir," he said, "a gentleman o' your age and bringin' up to know all that you tould us this mornin'. It 'ud be no wonder now for a man like me, come to be the shock o' corn fully ripe leastways yallow and white enough outside if there bean't much more than milk inside it yet, it 'ud be no mystery for a man like me who'd been brought up hard, and tossed about well-nigh all the world over why, there's scarce a wave on the Atlantic but knows Old Rogers!"

Oh, Colonel, your kindness went to my heart this day afore, but that was nothin' he's livin' an' well! On my two knees, before God, I thank you for them words! I thank you a thousand an' a thousand times more for them words, nor for what your honor did about Yallow Sam." "Get up," said the Colonel "get up.

His name was Marster George Brewer an' my mammy always tol' me dat I was his'n. I knew dat dere was some dif'ence 'tween me an' de res' o' her chillun, 'cause dey was all coal black, an' I was even lighter dan I is now. Lawd, it's bean to my sorrow many a time, 'cause de chillun used to chase me 'round an' holler at me, 'Old yallow Nigger. Dey didn' treat me good, neither.

* The devil; a familiar name for him when mentioned in connection with a villain. "They say," another would reply, "that the Colonel is a good gintleman for all that, an' that if he could once know the truth, he'd pitch the 'yallow boy' to the 'ould boy."

Rossitur sat down to his book again; and Fleda, leaving hers open, went to attend upon Barby. "There ain't much yallow soap neither," said this personage, "if this is all. There's one thing if we ha'n't got it, we can make it. I must get Mis' Rossitur to have a leach-tub sot up right away. I'm a dreadful hand for havin' plenty o' soap." "What is a leach-tub?" said Fleda.

"Spring set in and the birds came back frae beyont the sea, swallows and yallow wagtails and sandpipers; the meadows were breet wi' paigles, and the childer gethered bluebells and lilies o' the valley i' the woods for Whissuntide, and iverything went on same as afore. We had a good lambing time, and a good hay harvest at efter. I kept Jerry under my eye all the while, and nowt went wrang wi' him.

I'll tell you how it was, sir. My mate, George Watkins, and there ain't no better man nowheres if you go clear round the globe George Watkins is one of these men with inquiring minds, always a-hungering for knowledge, and so George off he goes week after week to the lectures up at the Huxley Institute. You know it; in that yallow building over by Nonpareil Square.

"Indeed, thin, but middlin', not gettin' her health: she'll soon give the crow a puddin', any way; thin, Ellish, you thief, I'm in for the yallow boys. Do you know thim that came in wid me?" "Why, thin, I can't say I do. Who are they, Condy?" "Why one o' them's a bachelor to my sisther Norah, a very dacent boy, indeed him wid the frieze jock upon him, an' the buckskin breeches.

Besides, Tom, says I, 'it jest spiles your gals; they get sickly, and down in the mouth; and sometimes they gets ugly, particular yallow gals do, and it's the devil and all gettin' on 'em broke in. Now, says I, 'why can't you kinder coax 'em up, and speak 'em fair?

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