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Updated: August 5, 2024

"It ain' fittin' fer grapes, fer noo groun' nebber is." "I know it, but" "It ain' no yeathly good fer cotton, 'ca'se it's top low." "Perhaps so; but it will raise splendid corn." "I dunno," rejoined Julius deprecatorily. "It's so nigh de swamp dat de 'coons'll eat up all de cawn." "I think I'll risk it," I answered. "Well, suh," said Julius, "I wushes you much joy er yo' job.

He was a hamely man, I found his sheep for him one nicht on this verra hill-side. Mair by token, ye'll find your beasties at hame, and the men and the dogs forebye." The Laird thanked him heartily, and after a while the Dwarf became more liberal-spirited still. "Yese no have to say that ye've been with the Daoiné Shi and are no the better for it," he said. "I'm thinking I'll grant ye three wushes.

Three dufferent masters, an' all three able an' wullun' to break ye uf ye don't serve their dufferent wushes." He felt the train slackening speed, and peered again through the misty window. He stood up, buttoned his overcoat, turned up the collar, and awkwardly gathered the child, still asleep, in his arms.

He said the imitation of Ne sit ancillæ tibi amor , &c. was too solemn; he read part of it at the beginning. He read the beautiful pathetick song, Ah the poor shepherd's mournful fate, and did not seem to give attention to what I had been used to think tender elegant strains, but laughed at the rhyme, in Scotch pronunciation, wishes and blushes , reading wushes and there he stopped.

Was there ae body that ye expected?" asked his wife. "The Man o' Peace, woman!" cried Brockburn. "I've ane o' my wushes to get, and I maun hae't." "The man's mad!" was the gudewife's comment. "Ye've surely forgotten yoursel, Brockburn. Ye never believed in the Daoiné Shi before." "Seein's believin'," said the Laird.

"Hout awa', your honor, what is it but rank Papistry, and a dependence upon filthy works. The doited auld carl, to throw aff his siller that gate; but that's Papistry a' ower substituting works for grace and faith a' Papistry, a' Papistry! Well, your honor, I sal be conform to your wushes it's my duty, that." Fergus Reilly begins to Contravene the Red Rapparee

David shifted uneasily beneath that dim, persistent stare. "Well?" he said at length gruffly. The little man giggled, and his two thin hands took up their task again. "Aiblins his puir auld doited fool of a dad kens mair than the dear lad thinks for, ay, or wushes eh, Wullie, he! he!" "Then what is it you do know, or think yo' know?" David asked irritably. The little man nodded and chuckled.

She didn't have no kinfolks to go in mo'nin' for her, an' time Pompey an' me got ingaged he made known his wushes to me, an' I promised him I'd put on mo'nin' for her soon as I married into de family. Co'se I couldn't do it 'fo' I was kin to her." "Kin to her!" the mistress laughed. "Why, Tamar, what relation on earth are you to Pompey's former wife, I'd like to know?"

I laughed, an' I say, 'Well, Pompey, I say, 'I don't know about loandin' out a chu'ch broom to a sinner like you. An' at dat he giggle, 'Well, we wants it to play preacher an' dat seems like a mighty suitable job for a chu'ch broom. An' of co'se wid dat I passed over de broom, wid my best wushes to de bride; an' when he fetched it back, I ricollec', he fetched me a piece o' de weddin'-cake but it warn't no mo'n common one-two-three-fo'-cup-cake wid about seventeen onfriendly reesons stirred into it wid brown sugar.

Miss Sarah is lookin right peaked and not near so buxo as formally. All of us ladies and gentlemen of African scent is rejicing that you will soon go down into the deep waters and return again once more to Kaintucky. No more at present. Plese excuse blots and a bad pen. Lewis wushes me tow add that he done furnished the stamp fer this here pistle.

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