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Leave it behind the bord nailed to the door of Bill Mountain's shack too mile northwest and there wunt be no trubble. If we don't get munny to buy fuel with we shall have to burn your town to keep warm. Maybe it will burn better now than it did last fall. So being peecibel ourselves, and knowing how very peecibel you all are, it will be more plesent all around if you come down with the cash.

School children shouted it everywhere, people on the street repeated it as they met, and the funny rhyme was heard even in polite drawing-rooms, amid roars of laughter. Mr. Robinson went abroad, but scarcely had he landed in Liverpool before he heard a child crooning over to himself, Fer John P. Robinson he Sez he wunt vote fer Guvener B.

'Here I've been a whole day offul good by my lone self; haven't said one notty word or did one notty fing, nor gotted scolded a singul wunst, did I, Lubin? I guess we better live here; bettent we, Lubin? And ven we wunt git stuck inter bed fur wettin' our feets little teenty mites of wet ev'ry singul night all the livelong days, will we, Lubin?

"But sich a blanket as that wur then ay, sich a blanket! I never seed sich a blanket! Thur wunt a square foot o' it that wan't torn to raggles. Ah, strangers, you don't know what it are to lose a five-point Mackinaw; no, that you don't. Cuss the bar!" As adventure with grizzly bears which had befallen the "captain" was next related.

And he wunt buy th' Farm, nether. Shutters is all shut up at the Hall. He'll go burying about Wednesday. Men that drinks don't keep." Rhoda struck at her brain to think in what way this death could work and show like a punishment of the heavens upon that one wrong-doer; but it was not manifest as a flame of wrath, and she laid herself open to the peace of the fields and the hedgeways stepping by.

The message was a triumphal result of the education of the freedmen's evening school, and succinctly said: "ive Gut IT. Nobuddy Wunt Nuss me. Norr no Docter nEther. "P. S. Joopiter the Durn hee sed he'd kerry This i dont Serpose youd kum. The sun went down that night as red as it had risen. There were no clouds. There was no wind. There was no frost.

Dimmick, bustling about with housewifely activity, and evidently, like all the village and like Rachael herself, a little exhilarated by the oncoming siege. "What will they do?" Rachael demanded, unhooking a writhing hammock from the porch as the old woman briskly dragged the big cane rockers indoors. "Oh, ther' wunt no hurt come t'um," Mrs. Dimmick said.

Here in the mountains, every man's hand is against them." "Why is it agin them? We ain't all blockaders; yet you can search these mountains through with a fine-tooth comb and you wunt find ary critter as has a good word to say for the revenue. The reason is 't we know them men from 'way back; we know whut they uster do afore they jined the sarvice, and why they did it.

The nigger run back as fast as he could, 'nd told the young woman that she 'd have to keep that baby quiet because Colonel 'Lijy Gates, one uv the directors uv the road, wuz in the car 'nd wunt be disturbed. The young woman caught up the baby scart-like, 'nd talked soothin' to it, 'nd covered its little face with her shawl, 'nd done all them things thet women do to make babies go to sleep.

'They will be home to luncheon? said Cicely. 'Aw, no um wunt; they wunt be whoam afore night; thaay got thur nuncheon wi' um. 'Is there no one at home in all the place? I inquired. 'Mebbe Farmer Bennet. Thur beant nobody in these yer housen. So we went on to Uncle Bennet's, whose house was hidden by a clump of elms farther down the coombe.