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You can ruin your soul by getting it set on one thing above everything else. Education, for instance, like the Wreams back there in Cambridge." "The Wreams!" Burgess exclaimed. "Yes, old Joshua Wream sold himself to an appetite for musty old Sanscrit till he'd sacrifice anybody's comfort and joy for it, same as I sold out to a fool's craving for drink.

Fenneben, he had already refused to consider a position higher up in an eastern college. He was not quite ready to leave the West yet. Of course, not. Elinor Wream was only half through school and growing more popular as she was growing more womanly and more beautiful each year. His salvation lay in keeping on the grounds if he would hold his claim undisturbed.

In the grandstand, Elinor Wream stood clutching a pennant in both hands, her dark eyes luminous with proud hope. Amid all the yells and cheers, her sweet voice rang out: "Victor, Victor! Don't forget the name your mother gave you!" Vic neither saw nor heard. Yet in that moment, strength and pride and indomitable will power came sweeping back to him.

When a Wream gets to kingdom-come, he always asks Saint Peter first for a mortar board and gown instead of a crown and wings." Norrie's eyes were shining. "And he's a little particular about the lining of the wings, too Purple, for Law; White, for Letters; Blue, for Philosophy; Red, for Divinity. Take this quieting powder. College presidents should be seen and not heard."

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. ELINOR WREAM was standing at the gate as Victor Burleigh came striding up the street. "Where are you going so fast, Victor?" she asked. "Everybody is in a rush this evening. We had a telegram from the East this afternoon. Uncle Joshua is very ill, and Uncle Lloyd had to get away on short notice.

Bond clinched his fists but did not strike. "What are you after now?" he asked. "You are through with the Burleighs; Vic settled you and you know it." Even with the words the clutch of Vic's fingers on the outlaw's throat seemed to choke him now. "If my last Burleigh is gone," he growled with an oath, "I'm not done yet. There's Elinor Wream. Don't forget that her mother was my adopted sister.

He implores me not to reveal all this, but I had to tell somebody, and you are the best friend a man could ever have, Dennie Saxon, so I come to you," he added presently. "When did this Dr. Wream find out about Vic?" Dennie asked. "A month ago. Some strange-looking tramp of a fellow brought him proofs that are incontestable," Burgess replied.

My father believed that money is absolute. Dr. Wream holds scholarly achievement as the greatest life work. It has been Dr. Fenneben's part to show me the danger and the power in each." It was dimly dawning on Burgess that the presence of Dennie, good, sensible Dennie, was a blessing outside of these things that could go far toward making life successful. But he did not grasp it clearly yet. "Dr.

"You have done this infamous thing, not because I deserve it, but because you hate me on account of a girl Elinor Wream." "Stop!" Vincent Burgess commanded. "I forbid you to mention her name. You, who come in here from some barren, poverty-stricken prairie home, where good breeding is unknown. You, to presume to think of such a girl as Dr.

She was no flirt, but much association with Vincent Burgess had given her insight to know that Norrie Wream would never understand him. When Burgess returned to the Saxon House later in the evening, he met Bond Saxon at the door. "Say, Professor, the devil will be to pay again. That Mrs. Marian is back. Got here on the same train Funnybone came on.