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His feet seemed scarcely to touch the earth as he sped in the direction of the Sun Rock. Across the plain he could see the cap of it already painted with a golden glow. He came to the narrow winding trail, and wormed his way up it swiftly. Gray Wolf was not at the top to greet him. But he could smell her, and the scent of that other thing was strong in the air.

More than that, the good Mother, without giving any explanation, intimates that she has a lever of some kind on the Comte de Gondreville known to herself only; in fact, the life of that old regicide turned senator, then count of the Empire, then peer of France under two dynasties has wormed itself through too many tortuous underground ways not to allow us to suppose the existence of secrets he might not care to have unmasked.

Hopalong wiped the blood from his cheek and wormed his way to a new place; when half way there he called out again, "How's yore health Tex?" in mock sympathy. Elkins lied manfully and when he looked to get in another shot his enemy was on the farther bank, moving up to get behind him.

"It was the hand of Fate!" she cried. "He was intended for me. That is why that marriage did not take place." She had made numerous little excuses to go to Boston with her maid, and always called at his mother's house, making herself most agreeable to the haughty mother, for the sake of the handsome son. Rosamond had quite wormed herself into the good graces of Hubert's mother.

I saw him drive amongst his people every day, and I bowed with the rest, I who could have spat in his face, I who carried with me the secret of his miserable perfidy, who knew alone why his ministers regarded him as a spoilt and fretful child. But I waited. Gradually I wormed my way a little into the fringe of the German Secret Service.

Quite in a tricksy way he wormed it out o' mother what a spy was, an' how the way to go to work was to s'arch his cupboards; an' then quick as snuff he started 'pon yours, not sayin' a word to anybody. Pretty clivver for four years' old an' what's clivverer, he found the money too!" "Damn the young viper! . . . No, I asks your pardon.

'There's a very rough element in front there 'Oh, don't let us mind! 'Most certainly I mind! 'Oh, but I should be miserable if I didn't hear. She pleaded so bewitchingly for a front seat at the Show that unwillingly he wormed his way on. Suddenly he stood still and stared about. 'What's the matter? said Lady John.

Take the key, open that box; I will make inquiries. But, my dear, you guess everything. Your little box was removed for the bigger impression to be produced by this one. A flash came out of her dark eyes. 'No, you guess wrong this time, you clever shrew! I wormed nothing from you, said he. 'I knew you kept particular letters in that receptacle of things of price: Aminta can't conceal.

He was in evil luck: nothing had gone well with him; it had been with the greatest difficulty that he had scraped together enough to get back to London on the chance of obtaining some expert commission; practically he possessed nothing in the world beyond the clothes on his back, and the contents of two old carpet-bags these admissions, by degrees, were wormed from him.

It was the bachelor heart and home of Major Webb to which Mrs. Hay would have laid vicarious siege, small blame to her, for that indomitable cross-examiner, Mrs. Wilkins, wife and manager of the veteran ranker now serving as post quartermaster, had wormed out of Mrs. Hay the admission that Nanette had no fortune. She was the only daughter of a half brother, very dear to Mrs.