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And when I warned her with tears in my eyes, warned her that mebby it wus more than her own safety and happiness that wus imperilled, I could see by the look in her eyes, though she didn't say much, that it wusn't no use for me to talk; for she wus one of the constant natures that can't wobble round.

There was poor little Lottie, left behind again, because she found it so fearfully hard to get over the stile by herself. When she stood on the first step her knees began to wobble; she grasped the post. Then you had to put one leg over. But which leg? She never could decide. And when she did finally put one leg over with a sort of stamp of despair then the feeling was awful.

He saw that the others began to wobble in their movements, which was plain evidence that they had tired themselves out by their night tramp, and were in no condition to compete with the motorcycles, even on this rough stretch of road. The tall, athletic-looking leader of the trio suddenly jumped aside, and stooped over as if snatching something from the ground.

There was old Lord Moleyn, like a caricature of an English milord in a French comic paper: a long man, with a long nose and long, drooping moustaches and long teeth of old ivory, and lower down, absurdly, a short covert coat, and below that long, long legs cased in pearl-grey trousers legs that bent unsteadily at the knee and gave a kind of sideways wobble as he walked.

The wretched "Whisky," after his voyage to the Eternal City, appeared quite overcome with what he had there seen, and continued to stagger along the trail, making feeble efforts to keep straight. This tendency to wobble caused the half-breeds to indulge in funny remarks, one of them calling the track a "drunken trail." Eventually, "Whisky" was abandoned to his fate.

Then he tried covertly to dry them against his shirt. But he ceased this again, knowing that he must be of hair-trigger alertness to watch for the stamp of the white horse. It occurred to him, also, that he was standing on a loose stone which might wobble when he pulled his gun, and he cursed himself silently for his hasty folly.

I had a kind of panic then and I dashed my head wildly against the trench wall and I bit my lips I almost enjoyed the pain. I looked through the hole. The tree was steady at first, but it soon began to wobble again. Then I said to myself: 'I don't care, I'll risk it, I won't look out, I'll just keep awake.

Besides, if it wanted shaking, I was the proper person to shake it. I felt much as I should had he started whacking my dog. He said: "This front wheel wobbles." I said: "It doesn't if you don't wobble it." It didn't wobble, as a matter of fact nothing worth calling a wobble. He said: "This is dangerous; have you got a screw-hammer?"

"Waking up, Nan, and stretching and learning to stand alone. I'm ready now to to walk. I dare say I'll wobble, but I don't care I want to begin." A sense of danger filled Nancy she often felt afraid of Joan, or for Joan, she was not sure which it was. "I think you'll do nothing that will trouble and disappoint Aunt Dorrie," she said, using the weapon of the weak.

"I don't know a hell of a lot about this ranch game; but if that old lady can put it across, I guess I can wobble along somehow. Too bad the old man cashed in just now; but Aunt Martha as good as told me he wasn't much force, so maybe I can play a lone hand here as easy as I could have done with him. Live near here?" "Fifteen miles or so."