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God pardon them, but they're in no blessed humor this morning." "Lay out upon your oars, boys; the wind's failing us," cried the count, as the sail flapped lazily against the mast. "It's no use, yer honor," said the elder. "We'll be only breaking our hearts to no purpose. They're sure to catch us." "Do as I bade you, at all events. What's that ahead of us there?" "The Oat Rock, sir.

"Very well," said Diamond; and getting out of the bed-clothes, he jumped into North Wind's arms. "We must make haste before your aunt comes," said she, as she glided out of the open lattice and left it swinging. The moment Diamond felt her arms fold around him he began to feel better. It was a moonless night, and very dark, with glimpses of stars when the clouds parted.

Charleston, whose first acute and discriminating paper all our readers will remember; the beginning of a new tale from the infallibly graceful pen of Miss Delia Lawriston, we are sure it will be so and so; "The wind's voices," by our new correspondent "Hugh," has a delicate sweetness that would do no discredit to some of our most honoured names! What do you think of that?"

The wind's taking them straight, for the smoke floats that way." "Very likely," said Mr Reardon; and there was a long pause. "One junk has taken the ground, sir," I said, "and " "Yes, well, what?" "Her masts and sails have fallen over the side." "And our boats?" "Lying-to, sir, doing nothing." But that was as far as I could see, for they were doing a good deal, as we afterwards heard.

"We'll not make un!" Jamie protested. "The wind's gettin' too strong! We'll have to go ashore and make camp!" "The boat'll stand un," laughed David. "She's a sturdy craft in a breeze." "I'm afeared," said Jamie. "'A scout is brave," quoted Andy. "'Tisn't meant for a scout to be foolish," Jamie insisted. "I'm afeared of bein' foolish." "You was braggin' of havin' grit," Andy taunted.

Then he said slowly: "I can't say as I sees anything much out of the common about it, so far, Mr Fortescue. The wind's dropped a bit more than's quite usual, certainly; but I don't know as there's very mich in that. And then there's this here thickness o' the hatmosphere well, that may or may not mean somethin', but I don't see anything alarmin' about it just yet. Why d'ye ask the question, sir?

'But lady, see that thou hast fire at hand, beneath the embers, and let make ready dry fuel of gorse, or thorn, or bramble, or pear boughs dried with the wind's buffeting, and on the wild fire burn these serpents twain, at midnight, even at the hour when they would have slain thy child.

But then the oaks are not connected with the distance, where there might be wind; and they don't ROAR in a gale, only sigh louder and softer according to the wind, and never seem to go above or below a certain pitch, like a big harp with all the strings the same. I used to have a theory that those creek oaks got the wind's voice telephoned to them, so to speak, through the ground.

But Zeus had impelled the north wind's might to blow, marking by rain the moist path of Arcturus; and all day long he was stirring the leaves upon the mountains, breathing gently upon the topmost sprays; but at night he rushed upon the sea with monstrous force, and with his shrieking blasts uplifted the surge; and a dark mist covered the heavens, nor did the bright stars anywhere appear from among the clouds, but a murky gloom brooded all around.

Rushing wind and lashing rain; pale gleams of a fitful moon to show swaying trees that tossed wild arms to heaven, and a splashing quag below, mud and wind-swept pools, all lost again in the swirling dark. And buffeted thus, beaten by rain, smitten by unseen things, gasping in the wind's fierce gusts, my one thought was: A black-bodied chaise with red wheels Captain Danby!