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Updated: August 11, 2024

I never did own no home nor no land. Well, missus, cause I never could get but berry little ahead ever and it takes all I makes to live on and I ain't got nuthin' to go on now. "Times is changin' so much I don't know whut goin' to happen to the next generation. Prices is mighty high now the reason you have to spend every cent you makes fore you get paid off.

She stood up and took a step forward and laid one apprehensive hand upon the paper as though to stay him. "Judge Priest," she said, "what have you written down here? And what do you mean to do with what you have written?" "Whut I have written here is a short statement a memorandum, really, of whut you have been tellin' me, ma'am," he explained.

I ain't needin' no ladies' auxiliary to tell me whut my rights is. Neither I ain't needin' to pay out no twenty cents a week to find out neither. W'en it comes to dat, all de ladies' auxiliary w'ich I needs is jes' me, myse'f. I knows good an' well whut my rights is already an' Ise gwine have 'em, too, or somebody'll sho' git busted plum wide open.

"Chuck full ter de water line; we've done been shovin' things inter dat hold fer a week past, but she's sure a good sailor. Whut wus it Massa Roger say yer name wus?" "Carlyle." "So he did; don't ever recollect hearin' dat name afore. Ye's one of dem rebels ober in England?" "I got mixed up in the affair." "An' whut dey done give yer?" "My sentence, you mean twenty years."

The girl eyed her for a moment and then went on: "You needn't be skeert of me ever tellin' anybody whut he said to me. Hit wouldn't be right to spread a lie like thet, Mis' Gwyn. You " "I think they are waiting for us, Moll," interrupted Rachel, suddenly holding out her hand to the girl. "Thank you. Come, give me your hand. We will go back to them, hand in hand, my girl."

"I reckin not more'n six bits at any one time, suh. Seems like I've sorter got the knack of livin' without money." "Well, Peep, sech bein' the case, whut would you say ef I was to tell you that you're a rich man?" The answer came slowly: "I reckin, suh, ef it didn't sound disrespectful, I'd say you was prankin' with me makin' fun of me, suh." Judge Priest bent forward in his chair.

"Fellers, you want to mark whut you dream about, to-night: hit'll shore come true to-morrow." "Yes: but you mustn't tell whut yer dream was till the hunt's over, or it'll spile the charm." There ensued a grave discussion of dream-lore, in which the illiterates of our party declared solemn faith. If one dreamt of blood, he would surely see blood the next day.

He was seated on the edge of the bed, his black face showing a greenish tint, and revealing puzzled amazement, with wide-opened eyes staring blankly at Haines, who stood motionless before the fire. "Whut wus dat yer sed, Mister Haines?" he asked thickly. "You say as how Missus Rene Beaucaire is a slave, sah? Pears like I don't just rightfully understan'."

"What happened, S. P.?" inquired someone. "Why, here's whut happened!" exclaimed the aggrieved Mr. Escott.

As they were returning from the grave a negro came up to Jasper and said that he wished for a moment to speak to him. "Doan you reccernize me?" he inquired, and Starbuck replied that he did not. "W'y, sah, I's de generman whut de white man had tied ter de tree." "Oh, yes, and also the gentleman that fell in love with my old rooster." "Yas, sah, de se'f same."

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