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Updated: August 16, 2024

As the Englishwomen walked in a soft rustle could be heard up and down the lighted shed, for each half-hidden driver working by his car turned and shot a glance, expectant and mocking, towards the door. "Ben quoi, i'parait qu'c'esst vrai! Tu vois!" "Qu'est-ce qu'il dit, c'ui-la?" "C'est les Anglaises, pardi!" "Tu comprends, j'suis contre tout ca. I'y a des fois ou les femmes c'est bien.

Du Maurier took up a pencil, and, with a few characteristic touches, drew that sister's eyes. "Quand je les vois," he wrote underneath, "j'oublie les miens. Soon the main business of the evening was resumed. Was it Beethoven's sonata for piano and violin, or a mighty improvisation on classical themes that came first?

When François, after a period of extraordinary mental exertion, appeared before his brother one morning with all the proofs in his hands, calling to him, "Je tiens l'affaire; vois!"

The game was stopped by another hand than mine-a hand emerging from a paletot-sleeve and stretched over my shoulder; it caught the extemporised plaything and bore it away with these sullen words: "Je vois bien que vous vous moquez de moi et de mes effets." Really that little man was dreadful: a mere sprite of caprice and, ubiquity: one never knew either his whim or his whereabout.

"I beg a thousand pardons of Monsieur; but but my wife is very ill, and unable to travel." "Then, in that case, so excellent a husband cannot think of leaving a sick and destitute wife." "Poverty has no law; if I consulted my heart and stayed, I should starve, et il faut vivre." "Je n'en vois pas la necessite," replied I, as I got into my carriage.

"Je le vois parbleu bien!" she lightly returned. "I mean why do you feel us, judge us, understand us so well? I please you because you see, because you know; and then for that very reason of my pleasing you must adapt me to your convenience, you must take me over, as they say. You admire me as an artist and therefore want to put me into a box in which the artist will breathe her last.

This type of tale, indeed, may be pretty fairly paralleled with the ordinary anecdote terminating in a repartee or an Irish bull. Such a retort as the famous "je ne vois pas la necessite" we have all seen attributed to Talleyrand, to Voltaire, to Henri Quatre, to an anonymous judge, and so on. But this variety does not in any way make it more likely that the thing was never said at all.

"Go to!", they say to themselves, "I will write a play"; and the weary auditor is tempted to murmur the sentence of the cynic Frenchman, "Je n'en vois pas la nécessité." But now, lest we be led into misapprehension, let us understand clearly that what we desire in the theatre is not new material, but rather a fresh and vital treatment of such material as the playwright finds made to his hand.

"I acknowledge the justice of your remark, sir; all that I can offer in my defence is, the excuse of the libeller to Cardinal Richelieu `Il faut vivre, monsieur." "And I answer you, with the Cardinal `Je ne vois pas la necessite," replied Captain M , with a smile, as he rose to resume his labours. He fell, and, deadly pale, Groaned out his soul.

A F was there, with young Sheridan; I hope the latter approved of my method of speaking the speeches of his witty great-grandfather. I played well, though the audience was dull and didn't help me. Mary and William Harness supped with us.... Friday, 27th. A long discussion after breakfast about the necessity of one's husband being clever. Ma foi je n'en vois pas la nécessité.

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