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He began to wish that he had the courage to tell her the whole truth about himself. Moreover, he began to think that perhaps he had not done right, after all, in running away from Aunt Harriet. In Miss Salome's code nothing could be right that was underhanded, and Chester was very swiftly coming to look at things through Miss Salome's eyes.

"In particular they will hold that there might be room to absolve you had you openly gone to save Almo in your full regalia and in your own carriage, or your own litter, with your lictor before you; but that while the fact of your being out of Rome all night in a litter is damning enough, the appearance of duplicity and underhanded secrecy given to the proceeding by your being disguised in another woman's clothing and carried in a borrowed litter makes terribly against you.

And speaking of doing underhanded things," said Peter, "our guests approach rapidly. Up, guards, and at them!" He took off his terrible Panama and waved it in a friendly manner. "How-de-do, Mrs. Marne! Morning, candidate! Welcome aboard." The sister and brother came up the stair, and were cordially greeted by their hosts. "Ashore again!" ordered Varney over the side. "There is another guest."

In it I was shown a register of its members, with the dead and the date of their shipment to China duly marked. Every ship that sails from San Francisco carries away a heavy freight of Chinese corpses or did, at least, until the legislature, with an ingenious refinement of Christian cruelty, forbade the shipments, as a neat underhanded way of deterring Chinese immigration.

I don't like underhanded goin's-on, for my part, for things done in darkness'll come to light, or somethin' like it; but never mind, if they're crooked everyway they won't run in straight tracks, all't once't. This I see, and you see, and she sees, that we must all keep as dark as sin." "But there must be some way," Gilbert insisted. "Do you never walk out together?

Let the best man of us have her. I'll play you a square game, and won't do any underhanded work. I'll do all of my courting of her in your presence, so you will have an equal opportunity. With that arrangement I don't see why our steamboat of friendship should fall overboard in the medicinal whirlpools you speak of, whichever of us wins out. "'Good old hoss! says Paisley, shaking my hand.

He is a double-faced beast; it was just like him making that underhanded attack on the football team." "Yes," added Mugford; "and fancy Gull being in both those rows, and making every one believe he wasn't! They must be a deep lot." "So they are," answered Diggory complacently; "but they aren't a match for the Triple Alliance."

"If that's another of them underhanded hints of your'n, you might as well save your breath," she replied. "I'll go and git the water myself, fer them dishes is goin' to git cleaned." She took up the bucket at once. Outside, the sounds of some one scooting rapidly away brought to Jim a thought of Keno's recently demonstrated presence of mind.

Did you know that Mignon never lost it, Marcia? She only pretended that she had." The secretary shook her head in emphatic denial. "I'm not guilty of that, at least. I hope I'll never do anything underhanded or dishonorable again. It's dreadful to think that Miss Archer will have to know what a despicable girl I've been, but that's part of my punishment.

"It has to be, sometimes, when we are fighting a rascal," retorted Midshipman Henkel. "Dirty work is never excusable. I'd sooner let a fellow seem to win over me, for the time being, than to resort to trickery or anything like underhanded methods for getting even with him." Henkel, old fellow, you are a little too hot under your blouse collar tonight.