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Updated: August 7, 2024

"I quite agree with you, Maryhann," said Jemima, who indeed always agreed with any proposition her friend chose to put forth; "an' I 'old that it is contrairy to 'uman reason to imagin such beastliness, much less to do it."

"Brownie" was not a person lightly to be reckoned with, and her master was wont to turn to her whenever any question arose affecting Norah. He greeted her warmly now. "We're all glad to welkim you back, sirr," said Brownie. "As for that blessed child, she's not like the same 'uman bein' when you're off the place.

Even more shocking, if possible, was the frequent extermination of whole communities by the brigand bands known as Haidamacks. They added the "Massacre of Uman" to the Jewish calendar of misfortunes, the most terrible slaughter, equalled, perhaps, only by that of Nemirov in 1648.

It's wot I once heard a captin ob a ribber steamer in de States call a safety-balve wot lets off a deal o' 'uman energy. He was a-sottin on his own safety-balve at de time, so he ought to have know'd suffin about it." "I say, Ebony," asked Hockins, "where did you pick up so much larnin' about science eh?" "I pick 'im in Texas was 'sistant to a German nat'ralist dar for two year.

In the final of the Somnambula, she brought about a most remarkable effect at the words: Ah! non guinge uman pensiero Al contento ond 'io son piena. Here, in imitation of Malibran, she modified the original phrase of Bellini, so as to let her voice descend to the tenor G, when, by a rapid transition, she struck the G above the treble stave, springing over an interval of two octaves.

"Why, ye see, Peter," answered John, coughing again, and scratching his chin harder than ever, "ye see, Peter, it aren't nat'ral for a 'uman bein' to go a-vanishin' away like this 'ere if 'twere a man as you was a-talkin' to " "Which I doubts!" muttered Job. "If 'twere a man, Peter, then I axes you where is that man?"

Insomuch, that a teacher or learner of the hereditary laws of pronunciation will more offend men by speaking without the aspirate, of a "uman being," in despite of the laws of grammar, than if he, a "human being," hate a "human being" in despite of Thine.

It h'ain't 'uman, I say, and I'll be danged if I stand it h'any longer." But people who came to Mary with criticism of Richard got no mercy. "You're far too touchy, Jim. YOU know, if any one does, how rushed and busy the doctor is, and you ought to be the first to make allowance for him after all he's done for you. You wouldn't be here now, if it hadn't been for him.

By the way, when you make up your bill, don't forget to charge me with the tumbler I smashed yesterday in making chemical experiments, and the tea-pot cracked in the same good cause. Accidents will happen, you know, Mrs Pry, and bachelors are bound to pay for 'em." "Certainly, sir; and please, sir, what am I to do with the cupboard full of skulls and 'uman bones downstairs?"

'But it's as dark theroot as i' the hoose whiles, onygait! 'Na, mother; it's never sae dark theroot but there's licht eneuch to ken I'm theroot and no i' the hoose. I can aye draw a guid full breath oot i' the open. 'Lat the laddie gang his ain gait, 'uman, interposed David. 'The thing born in 'im 's better for him nor the thing born in anither. A man maun gang as God made him.

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