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"You only say what is true, captain, and you will pardon me for my remark," exclaimed the merchant, who was really an upright and generous-hearted man. "Nothing would give me greater satisfaction than to see the Ouzel Galley coming in under charge of her young master, with or without her cargo, however much thereby Ferris, Twigg, and Cash might be out of pocket.

Between every two or three of the faggots was seen a torch, too evidently for the purpose of kindling the wood. "Good heavens! they are going to try and set our fortifications on fire, and the house also, I fear, if they can," exclaimed Mr Twigg. "And they will succeed too, I am afraid," said the overseer gloomily. "I was sure they had some accursed trick in contemplation."

While others grumbled and growled he never uttered a word of complaint in public, but took everything as it came, in the most good-humoured manner. He was a true friend to me from that time forward, and gave me many a lesson in wisdom as well as in other matters, which was of value to me through life. Tom Twigg who was the only midshipman I knew, received me cordially.

"Perhaps we might better employ ourselves in attending to any of our defenders who are unfortunately wounded," observed Mrs Twigg, who knew Ellen's sentiments, and did not wish to enter into any discussion on the subject. "I trust that, now they have seen the preparations made for their reception, the rebels will not attempt to attack the house," said Mr Ferris.

But Twigg was different from any of them. When he wasn't putting it onto me he wasn't such a bad sort for a tutor. Anyhow, he wasn't a Sissy. He could catch fish and ride fine, and he could beat me at target shooting with a .32 rifle. He told me one day that he was stroke on his crew for two years. I guess that's where he got his big shoulders and muscles. You ought to see his muscles.

They had seen nothing of the black scouts as the overseer had thought probable, they had run away and hidden themselves. They, however, came back during the morning, each one bringing the same account "All right, massa, no enemy come yet." "You hid yourselves, you rascals," said Mr Twigg. "Ki Massa Twigg, de ossifer tell hide selves," answered one of the scouts.

But with the assurance that Owen is still alive and I think the account we have heard affords that I believe that my friends Ferris, Twigg, and Cash will no longer hesitate to advance the required amount.

"Well, Quashie," said Jack, who was kind-hearted as well as brave, "you had better come along with us, and we will take care of you till father comes back as I hope he will. Where is your mother?" "Mother lib wid Massa Twigg she call Martha," he answered. "Oh, then I know her. She nurses the children. All right, Quashie. Cheer up; you shall have something to eat as soon as we get back," said Jack.

Twigg held out his hand, and so I shook with him. He shook different from the others; sort of as though he had bones and things inside his fingers instead of cotton wool. "Glad to see you," he said. "Hope we'll get on together." "Oh, I'll get on," said I; "but I don't know about you." "That'll do, Raymond," said dad angrily.

The next day he was too busy taking in cargo to think of the matter; and now, being ready for sea, the Ouzel Galley stood out of the harbour. According to arrangement with Mr Twigg, the Ouzel Galley kept along the coast till she came off Bellevue. As she appeared, a flag from the flagstaff on shore flew out to the breeze.