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"I am afraid that the rascals have been reinforced," observed Mr Twigg. "As they increase in numbers they will grow bolder, and we shall have harder work to drive them off."

It was hurried over somewhat rapidly; the servants were directed to pack up and proceed on their way homeward; and as soon as the tent was struck, the steeds, which had been tethered in the shade with their heads in nose-bags, were bridled and saddled. "To horse! to horse! ladies and gentlemen," shouted Mr Twigg.

Lieutenant P. N. O'Bannon, of the Marine Corps, hoisted the first American flag ever flown over a fortress of the Old World when Derne, a Tripolitan stronghold, was taken by assault on April 27, 1805. The first regulars who entered the fortress of Chapultepec, in Mexico City, when it was taken by storm on September 13, 1847, were marines, under command of Major Levi Twigg.

"Come up, then, and tell us all about it," exclaimed Mr Twigg, who the next instant was shaking hands with the stranger, while Martin took charge of Tom Yam. Mr Twigg introduced the new arrival. Mr Hayward, sitting down, tossed off a glass or two of Madeira, for he required some stimulant before he could speak. "I bring you dreadful news," he said.

"Say Mr Ferris and I are considering what it will be best to do." Martin, allowing Mr Twigg to come up with him, gave him the same account. Mr Twigg received the information with more composure than his wife had done. "Desert the house I will not," he answered. "We will fortify it, and defend ourselves like men.

"Of course they will," observed Rawson, who had just then joined them; "I said from the first that we should have no good luck, and what I said has come true." "But other chaps among us said that we should have good luck," remarked Twigg, the master's assistant, who was always fond of putting Rawson in the wrong.

"I will defend you with my life, Miss Pemberton. Only keep up your courage and ride straight forward; they'll not dare to come within arm's length of us." Lieutenant Belt imitated the major's example, and said something of the same tenour to Ellen. "But my father they will attack him and Mrs Twigg!" she exclaimed.

Later reports had been more encouraging, for hundreds who were set down as prisoners or missing began to be heard from as far northward as the Maryland line. In the station at Washington Boone met his daughter. Twigg hurried to him and asked: "Any further news, Mr. Boone? We're all here about half Acredale." "Yes, I see; but there is no more news of the Caribees.

"Shouldn't wonder if the old fellow was a god of the original inhabitants of the island," said Lieutenant Belt. "Never saw anything so natural in my life." Expressions of delighted surprise escaped from the young ladies, and even Mrs Twigg was very glad that she had come.

As no anchorage was found, the ship was hove to, and three boats, with casks, under the command of the Second-Lieutenant, and my friend Oldershaw, and Pember, were directed to go on shore. I went with Oldershaw, and Twigg and Esse went in the other boats.