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Updated: August 5, 2024

"If they don't know what they are about, how can you be so foolish as talk of their design?" "Ilka thing has a design, an' gien it dinna ken't itsel', that's jist whaur yer true an' lawfu' personification comes in. There's no rizon 'at a poet sudna attreebute till a thing as a conscious design that which lies at the verra heart o' 'ts bein', the design for which it's there.

The Child gathered the baby into her lap and sat rocking him. "Ts ts ts," she said. "He's cutting his eye teeth, that's what makes him cry so. AND dribble I never seen a baby dribble like this one." She wiped his mouth and nose with a corner of her skirt. "Some babies get their teeth without you knowing it," she went on, "and some take on this way all the time.

Shelldrake, rocking violently in her chair, gave utterance to that peculiar clucking 'ts, ts, ts, ts, whereby certain women express emotions too deep for words. "Abel, roused by Hollins' question, answered, with a sudden energy, "Love! there is no love in the world. Where will you find it? Tell me, and I'll go there. Love! I'd like to see it!

It's unco ready to that o' 'ts ain sel'; an' it's my opingon that there's no anither instrument but the fiddle fit to play the Flooers o' the Forest upo', for that very rizzon, in a' his Maijesty's dominions. My father playt the fiddle, but no like your gran'father. Robert was silent.

"Two babies getting eye teeth two babies to get up for in the night two babies to carry about and wash their little piggy clothes!" She looked with horror at the one in her arms, who, seeming to understand the contemptuous loathing of her tired glance, doubled his fists, stiffened his body, and began violently screaming. "Ts ts ts." She laid him on the settle and went back to her floor-washing.

Starbottle with her eyes still fixed on the colonel's face. "Gone to 'ts m'o'r. Gone East on shteamer, yesserday. Waffed by fav'rin gales to suff'rin p'rent. Thash so!" Mrs. Starbottle did not move. The colonel felt his chest slowly collapsing, but steadied himself against a chair, and endeavored to beam with chivalrous gallantry not unmixed with magisterial firmness upon her as she sat.

Delafield has had another partial success; with a loss of 1,000 he has cut off 1,200 and made 400 prisoners, but a strong force ts reported on the Yolo and Yallobally road, which, by placing him between two fires, may soon render his hold on the Yolo untenable. General Napoleon. His real name was Clamborough.

He first adopted fifteen for the dividing sounds, but settled on twelve primary, the G and K being one, and sounding more like K than G, and D like T. These may be represented in English as G, H, L, M, N, QU, T, DL or TL, TS, W, Y, Z.

"She had come throu' eneuch to hae some claim to be considert." "She maun hae been a richt guid ane," said Janet, "gien ilk ane o' the saiven wad be wantin' her again. But I s' warran' she kenned weel eneuch whilk o' them was her ain. I thoucht as muckle! the wee sangie's drappit itsel' a'thegither, jist as gien the laverock had fa'ntit intil 'ts nest. I doobt we'll hear nae mair o' 't."

"Thank you.... My education, monsieur, has proceeded to the Ts," she told him with a nervous little laugh over her chagrin, drowned in a burst of louder laughter from the discomfited Harlequin, who turned on his heel and then bounded after fresh prey. "Shall we dance or promenade?" asked Ryder. Hesitatingly her gaze met his.

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