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Gowan had arrived at Larrigie Inn. "An' a freer mon wi' his money, Mistress Dobie says, ye'd niver wish to see," was his estimate of the newcomer. "He was treatin' the fellows wi' drams a' roond, the nicht he cam'; he wes sae glad to be bock i' the auld place. He wes a loon o' fafteen when him an' his farther went an' to mak' their fortune in Ameriky, ye ken."

The day she came to me her father had turned her oot to think o' treatin' one's ain flesh and blood so! There was little enow that I could do. She had no place to gae that nicht, so I arranged wi' the dresser, a gude, motherly body, to gie her a lodging for the nicht, and next day I went mysel' to see her faither a respectable foreman he turned oot to be.

No one feels bad over that. Shure, it's Gallagher was in my place later last night, an' we had a most friendly time, he treatin' the whole crowd twice. We've got to fight in the primary to keep the b'ys interested, but it's seldom that they're not just as friendly the next day." Peter looked at his wall. He had not liked Gallagher at either time he had met him.

He shook his head, "I wanted to all right, but I hated to appear presumin', an' with my rep in this village you know how people are liable to talk. World treatin' you well, Miss Donnie?" "I think I get more fun out of San Pasqual than most of the people in it." "Well, then, you must spend a lot o' time lookin' into a mirror" replied Harley P., and blushed at his effrontery.

I ain't gainsayin, however, but thet Jennie was better off with Kate Bland. She's been hard on Jennie, but she's kept Bland an' the other men from treatin' the kid shameful. Late Jennie has growed into an all-fired pretty girl, an' Kate is powerful jealous of her. I can see hell brewin' over there in Bland's cabin. Thet's why I wish you'd come over with me. Bland's hardly ever home.

"I s'pose you'd like t' take a tray int' her, David?" "Now, Susan Jane, don't be so amusin'! It's wonderful how ye keep yer spirits." "Spirits! David, I s'pose you're speakin' sarcastic. You think my mind ain't right. You're treatin' me like a child!" The woman turned from the cup, weeping audibly. Janet at this point noiselessly arose and made a hurried toilet.

"It ain't goin' to seem much like one anyway," she answered with a sudden realization of how far from her dreams of courtship this reality was. "Say, now, Julyie, that ain't fair; it ain't treatin' me right. You don't seem to understand that I like you, but I do." Rob was carried quite out of himself by the time, the place, and the girl. He had said a very moving thing.

Say thar's another Injin skeer on; that that thar bloodthirsty ole 'Fleas in His Blanket' is on the warpath, and you're goin' to shed the last drop o' your blood defendin' her! That'll fetch her, and she ain't bin treatin' you well! G'lang!"

"What's this about your treatin', Foster?" asked the corporal. For a week he had felt sure the boy had money, and not a little. Nothing would have persuaded him to borrow a cent of Foster or anybody else, but others, and plenty of them, had no such scruples. The young recruit turned slowly. He seemed reluctant to quit his scrutiny of his fellow-passengers.

"Why, yes, he did, too! Lan' sakes, Mr. Burton, he didn't talk about nothin' else but himself an' his treatment, all the way through. Oh, I know he didn't say anything about his occultist treatment, if that's what you mean. But I didn't do no worryin' about that part. It was the other part." "The other part!" "Yes. They're treatin' him as if he wa'n't different an' queer.