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And because we couldn't do it as it stands to reason we couldn't he goes and makes extra work for us by way of punishment; he robs us of our a'ternoon watch below; he stops our grog; he tyrannises over us in every imaginable way; he treats us like dogs and not like men, abusin' and bullyin' us, and goin' out of his way to hurt our feelin's; he refuses to listen to our just complaints; he encourages the first and second mates to sarve out to us the same sort of treatment as he gives us hisself, instead of takin' our part and treatin' us with justice; and he does all this not once in a way only, but from the very commencement of the v'yage.

"An' I'd jest like to say that when a genelman gits around to do the perlite by a no-account mutton-worrier, he figgers to be treat right " Birdie turned on him with cold eyes. "I'll sure be treatin' you right," she said, "when I tell you that door don't need shuttin' after you. It's on the swing." She did not wait to witness her guest's departure.

'Somebody seems to have got here before you, replied Sidney, smiling. 'How the devil am I to keep any self-respect if you go on treatin' me in this fashion? blustered John, hanging his head. 'It isn't my doing, Mr. Hewett. 'Whose, then? 'A friend's. Don't make a fuss. You shall know the person some day. 'I have got your letter, but it tells me no more than the last did.

"'W'at you mean, nigger? sez she, ketchin' holt er a bush by de road fer ter stiddy herse'f. 'W'at you mean by de kin' er 'oman you made? "W'at do I mean? I means dat I got squared up wid you fer treatin' me de way you done, en I got eben wid dat yaller nigger Jeff fer cuttin' me out.

We sent you just what was ordered and if I don't get the money right now you get blacklisted. Shell out!" The manager's tone was hard as nails. "Oh, Mr. Clemm ... well, excuse me. I must step behind your desk to get it, but you ain't treatin' me right, just the same, to force it this way."

I've never seen a man put down so quick. I couldn't have floored him so beautifully if I'd hit him with a spanner. But that was only part of the entertainment. Curtis mind you, before that I'd been treatin' him as an ordinary dude in evenin' dress acted like an injarubber man filled with chain lightning.

"Butch came in drunk, as I was saying, which he generally is, but he wasn't giving no trouble at all, and nobody felt particular called on to cross him and ask questions. He was real sociable, in fact, and that's how the mess was started." "Go on. I don't get your drift." "Everybody was treatin' Butch like he was the king of the earth and not passin' out any backtalk, all except one tenderfoot "

And me livin' right in the house with you! By time! "There, there, Lute! don't cry. I'll tell you all about it when I come home for dinner." "Yes, I should think you might do that much. Treatin' your own family like why did you tell Sim Eldredge?" "Sim asked me and so I told him, that was all. Don't stand there fidgeting. Run along home, there's a good fellow. Mr.

Sure, this place is gittin’ to be but a sorry shpot for bachelors loike mesilf." "I ain’t mentionin’ no names, but there’s a man here ain’t treatin’ a mighty fine woman square and accordin’ to the way she ought to be treated." The information ran through the circle like an electric shock. Men stopped in the act of pledging each other’s healths to listen.

"Maybe the food'll git so's we kin git along, but you hain't been treatin' us no whiter 'n you're a mind to. We ain't gittin' paid no more'n keep us out the poor-house." "I goll, you're right, Shank Dollard," came from somewhere in the back row. "Ah!" exclaimed Thayor, "I was waiting for that. Where, may I ask, have you received as high wages as I have paid you?