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Updated: August 5, 2024

But we found the treasure exactly where he said it was buried." Hanz shook his head, and looked with an air of surprise at the speaker. "If I tells you where dat gold und dat tirty shilver be's buried, und you goes dar und finds him, ten I be's asleep, und ton't know what I tells you." "Te gen-tle-man," interposed Gusher, going off into a rhapsody of delight, "is very modest.

I dink I make up some boetry apout him," and the German boy began: "Der vos von lettle sphider Vot lifed owid in der voot, He made himself a leetle veb Und said dot it vos goot." "Hurrah, for Hans!" cried Tom. "He's the true poet of spiderdom!" and then he added: "Hans, we'll crown you poet laureate if you say so." "I ton't von no crown," answered Hans, complacently.

If you hat toldt me at the peginning if you hat peen frank with meboat it iss all righdt; you can go on; you ton't see dese tings as I see them; and you haf cot a family, and I am a free man. I voark to myself, and when I ton't voark, I sdarfe to myself. But. I geep my handts glean, voark or sdarfe. Gif him hiss mawney pack!

Und you vosn't eaten up alretty kvick!" "None of the animals troubled us, but the three-horned jibberjacker. He came into our house one night, crawled upstairs, and began to swallow Sam alive." "You ton't tole me!" "Yes, I do tell you. He had Sam in his mouth, and had swallowed him as far as his waist, when Sam began to kick on the floor with his feet."

And he threw up his arms, rested his head on the Dominie's shoulder and wept like a child. "No, mine Tite he ton't comes home no more," he sobbed.

"Run him in here, Jake," said the former tramp. "He is a fellow we have an account to settle with." "Is dot so? Vell, I ton't vont me no troubles," answered the German doubtfully. "It's all right he he stole some of our money. That's right, in with him," and Dick was run into the room, after which Dutch Jake retired as suddenly as he had appeared.

And she gave the colored man a smile which pleased him immensely. "Where is Tom?" asked Mr. Rover, after all the others were seated. "I ton't know," answered Hans. "Tidn't he know ve vos to eat a leetle early to tay?" "He's coming," answered Sam. Just then Tom came into the dining room holding something in his hand covered with a long paper bag. From under the bag smoke was curling.

"Pardi, yes, mon gars! Shoot straight, and the Island will thank you," asserted John Drillot. "Ant for Heaven's sake, John Trevna, see you ton't shoot me behint by mistake," urged Evan Morgan; and they disappeared slowly into the tunnel, while the other two stood waiting expectantly in the well.

A mensefu' body like you, Maister MacPhail, sud speyk mair to the p'int." "Ton't you'll pe preaking her heart with ta one hand while you'll pe clapping her head with ta other," said the piper. "Ton't be taking her into your house to pe telling her she can't see. Is it that old Tuncan is not a man as much as any woman in ta world, tat you'll pe telling her she can't see?

The old man thought for a little. "Tat will tepend on who was pe your father, my son," he replied. "If he too will be a Cam'ell ochone! ochone! Put tere may pe some coot plood co into you, more as enough to say God will pe make you, my son. Put don't pe asking, Malcolm. Ton't you 'll pe asking." "What am I no to ask, daddy?" "Ton't pe asking who made you who was ta father to you, my poy.

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