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The women looked at each other with blank eyes, as if they were as yet unable to take in the new idea that the conduct which had seemed to them a subject for such just pride could be regarded by any one as deserving of punishment or retribution. Daniel spoke before they had recovered from their amazement. 'A'm noane sorry for what a did, an' a'd do it again to-neet, if need were.

But thaa cornd mend it wi' swearin' thaa nobbud makes bad worse by adding thy oaths to his roguery. 'Oaths, mother! Oaths didsto say? I can tell thee th' Almighty sometimes thinks more o' oaths than prayers. Owd Moses'll say his to-neet but my oaths'll get to heaven faster. 'Hooisht, Jim! hooisht! ne'er mind Moses and his prayers. What did he say about th' mortgage?

And he wor laid aat in th' owd chamber, too, where they laid little Billy aat afore him, and where yo' wor born, lad. I thought I should be laid aat there, and all, and I could ha' liked it to be so. But I mun be off to bed, childer, it's gettin' lat'. I shall sleep in th' owd chamber to-neet, wheresomever I sleep to-morn.

'No, Dannel, said his wife; 'thou'd best not. Thy leg has been paining thee this week past, and thou'rt not up to such a walk. I'll rouse Kester, and send him off, if thou think'st there's need on it. 'A'll noan ha' Kester roused. Who's to go afield betimes after t' sheep in t' morn, if he's ca'ed up to-neet? He'd miss t' lass, and find a public-house, a reckon, said Daniel, querulously.

I thowt 'at she comn to me aw at onct just as she used to look, on'y, wi' her white face shinin' loike a star, an' she says, 'Tim, th' path isna so long after aw tha's come nigh to th' eend, an' me an' th' little chap is waitin'. He knows thee, dear lad, fur I've towt him. "That's why I comn here to-neet, Mester; an' I believe that's why I've talked so free to thee.

"Have I, sir?" said Tom. "I I feel very strange." "You will soon get over it, you are only pumped!" "Ay," laughed another, and the voice was as sweet music to Tom, "I've seen thee worse nor this i' the Brunford Cup Tie match." "That thee, Nick?" he said, lapsing into the Brunford vernacular, which he had been trying to correct lately. "Ay, Tom, it's me; tha'st done a good neet's work to-neet."

"Martha! How could you bear it?" "I didn't think what I wer' bearing at t' time, Miss Hallam; I wer' just angry enough for any thing; and I wer' kind o' angry wi' Ben takkin' it so quiet like. 'Speak up for thysen, lad, I said; 'hesn't ta got a tongue i' thy head to-neet?" "Poor Ben! What did he say?" "He said, 'Thou be still, mother, and talk to none but God.

The dame had taken the good will for the good deed, and had not looked the gift-horses too closely in the mouth. "Good night, Mattha Branthet," she said, in answer to his good by; "good night, and God bless thee." Matthew had opened the door, and was looking out preparatory to his final leavetaking. "The sky's over-kessen to-neet," he said. "There's na moon yit, and t'wind's high as iver.

"Ye've had eneuf, Robbie," said the hostess. "Go thy ways home. Thou findst the beer very heady, lad. Thou shalt have more in the morning." "To-night, lass; I must have some to-night, that I must." "Robbie is going off agen, surely," whispered Reuben. "It's a sorry sight when yon lad takes to the drink. He'll be deed drunk soon." "Say nowt to him," answered Matthew. "He's fair daft to-neet."

'Now a'm willing to tell yo' a' about it to-morrow, for it's not ivery day a man can do such great things; but to-neet a mun go to bed, even if King George were wantin' for to know how a managed it a'. He went wearily upstairs, and wife and daughter both strove their best to ease his aching limbs, and make him comfortable.