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"When it floats on such noble tipple I am a god-swilling nectar." Halfman slapped his chest. "Come, lads!" he cried; "when Cavaliers drink the King's health they should sing the King's song," and in another moment his mellow voice was setting his friends a sturdy example. "Gallants of England," he warbled: "Gallants of England, shall not the King land Safely in town to knock Parliament down?

The butcher always hangs out a crimson banner. In some portions of the town there are painted caricatures on the fronts of certain places to designate their special business. For instance, in front of a pulque shop is found a laughable figure of a man with a ponderous stomach, drinking his favorite tipple.

Here the younger sister, who was ever sweet and kind, remarked that she thought Mahaina did tipple occasionally. "I also think," she added, "that she sometimes takes poppy juice." "Well, then, perhaps she does drink sometimes," said Zulora; "but she would make us all think that she does it much oftener in order to hide her weakness."

"By Jove, how this does pick one up! not half bad tipple, is it?" They hastened through their lunch, unconsciously avoiding the too critical looks of those at the far corner table; nor did they suspect, as they descended the hill and got into their boat and rowed away, that they were still the subject of conversation. "She is no doubt a very pretty girl. He seems very fond of her.

"Archie isn't invited, you old goosie, and he would be as much out of place in Max's house as Uncle Ephraim Tipple would be in Parliament." "But they would be glad to see him if you took him. He is just the age now when a boy gets impressions which last him through " "Yes, the gawky and stumble-over-things age! Piano-stools, rugs, anything that comes in his way.

Chambertin, or Clos de Vougeot, at twelve bob a bottle that's the sort of tipple, I rather flatter myself eh?" Henry Dunbar drew himself up with a slight shudder, as if repelled and disgusted by the man's vulgarity. "What do you want of me?" he asked. "Remember that I am waited for. I am quite ready to serve you for the sake of 'auld lang syne!"

He gave orders for you to be shown up." Cornish sat at a little round table on which there were some bottles and glasses. The tipple was evidently ale, and Mr. Giddings was standing opposite, lifting a glass in one hand and pointing at it with the other, in evident imitation of the attitude in which the late Mr.

Totally unembarrassed, we lounged along or leaped along, light-hearted. When the river neared us, or winsome brooklet from the hill-side thwarted our path, we stooped and lapped from their pools of coolness, or tasted that most ethereal tipple, the mingled air and water of electric bubbles, as they slid brightly toward our lips.

Our business was that the redskin, Laura, official laundress of the Arrowhead, had lately attended an evening affair in the valley at which the hitherto smart tipple of Jamaica ginger had been supplanted by a novel and potent beverage, Nature's own remedy for chills, dyspepsia, deafness, rheumatism, despair, carbuncles, jaundice, and ennui.

That jugful of Cockney sky-blue, with a feeble dash of Mark Twain in it, which was called 'Three Men in a Boat' was not a cheerful tipple for a mental bank-holiday, but we poor moderns got no better till the coming of Kipling. We have a right to be grateful to the man who can make us laugh.