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Updated: August 5, 2024

Jeames regarded it for some time with interest, and examined it with care. "It's a bonny bit o' carved work," he said; " a bairnly kin' o' a thing for shape mair like a timmer horsie; but whan ye come to the ornamentation o' the same, it's o' anither character frae the roon' spots o' reid paint an' sae's the sma' rubies an' stanes intil 't.

"I wur engaged as hunter an' guide to a carryvan o' emigrant folks that wur on thur way to Oregon. "Ov coorse I allers kept ahead o' the carryvan, an' picked the place for thur camp. "Wal, one arternoon I hed halted whur I seed some timmer, which ur a scace article about Chimbly Rock.

I'm thinkin' gin ane o' the bairnies that he took upo' 's knee, an' he was ill-pleased wi' them 'at wad hae sheued them awa', gin ane o' them had hauden up his wee timmer horsie, wi' a broken leg, and had prayed him to work a miracle an' men' the leg, he wadna hae wrocht a miracle maybe, I daursay, but he wad hae smilet, or maybe lauchen a wee, and he wad hae men't the leg some gait or ither to please the bairnie.

Gien the hole sud lat in the win', ye'll mar nae mair, I'm thinkin', nor ye'll be able to mak again. What timmer is 't o'?" "Only deal, sae far as I can judge." Cosmo went and fetched his tool-basket, and set to work. The partition was strong, of good sound pine, neither rotton nor worm-eaten inch-boards matched with groove and tongue, not quite easy to break through.

John, already shivering, partly from disquietude. 'There's timmer eneuch there to haud 's warm for a twalmonth, said Robert. He went back to the coach. By this time the horses were nearly extricated. Two of them stood steaming in the lamplight, with their sides going at twenty bellows' speed. The guard would not let him have one of the coach lamps, but gave him a small lantern of his own.

And when any workman be's noted taking an exorbitant price for his stuff, above the price, and over far disproportionate of the stuff he buys, that he be punished by the said barons, provosts, and bailies, &c. A little later, in 1540, an act was passed 'touching the exorbitant prices of wine, salt, and timmer. The provisions that follow are somewhat curious, and rank among the most barefaced instances of a class legislating, not only for its own interest, but its own enjoyment.

"Wal," commenced Rube, after a moment's silence, "'twur about six yeern ago, I wur set afoot on the Arkansaw, by the Rapahoes, leastwise two hunder mile below the Big Timmer. The cussed skunks tuk hoss, beaver, an' all. He! he!" continued the speaker with a chuckle; "he! he! they mout 'a did as well an' let ole Rube alone." "I reckon that, too," remarked a hunter.

I just wanted to round in the gudeman's lug, that I heard them say up-bye yonder that Peter Puncheon, that was cooper to the Queen's stores at the Timmer Burse at Leith, is dead; sae I though that maybe a word frae my lord to the Lord Keeper might hae served Gilbert; but since he's frae hame " "O, but ye maun stay his hame-coming," said the dame.

So early as 1622, transient trading settlements were made on its soil, at Bergen and on the banks of the Delaware. The following year, Director May, moved by the attempt of a French sea-captain to set up the arms of France in Delaware, built the fort called Fort Nassau at the mouth of Timmer Kill or Timber Creek, a few miles below Camden, and settled some young Walloons near it.

She threw up her chin and made a step and a cry at me, so that I fell back incontinent. "Out upon your leeing throat!" she cried. "What! ye come and spier at me! She's in jyle, whaur ye took her to that's all there is to it. And of a' the beings ever I beheld in breeks, to think it should be you! Ye timmer scoun'rel, if I had a male left to my name I would have your jaicket dustit till ye raired."

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