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Before he could analyse it, her features resumed their wonted serenity, and he found her voice unfluttered. "I was not aware that I had so many friends; it is a pleasant discovery, and almost compensates for the pain of illness. Take care, Doctor! You are tilting my flowers out of their vase." "Confound the flowers, Queen! They are always in the way.

"Since the war means so much to us," I said, "have you no message for America?" Throughout our talk he had sat in a low chair sometimes tilting it backward as he swayed with the vehemency of his words. Suddenly he became still. He turned his head and looked dreamily out the window at his left where he could see the throng of Whitehall as it swept back and forth along London's Great Military Way.

Whatever there is in you which is better and sweeter than their own ideas and customs will in time be absorbed by the family; for what is good is ever positive to the less good, and has a power of its own to convert; and every human soul, if left free, will eventually choose the good. The only danger lies in your tilting your nose at their ways and ideas, and insisting upon your own.

The transport of the refuse of sugar cane is effected by means of tilting basket carts; the lower part of which consists of plate iron as in earthwork wagons, while the upper part consists of an open grating, offering thus a very great holding capacity without being excessively heavy. To use it for the transport of earth, sand, or rubbish, the grating has merely to be taken off.

Now don't you worry, Mrs. Field; I don't believe it's anything." The girl nodded back at her with her pretty smile; then she sped away with a light tilting motion. Mrs. Field stood a few minutes longer, then she went up the steps into the house. She opened Amanda Pratt's door instead of her own, and went through the sitting-room to the kitchen, from whence she could hear the clink of dishes.

At that point in the mumbled monologue the white-haired driver of the buggy usually paused for a moment, tilting his head, birdlike, to one side, wrapped in thought. There were those shelves lined with countless white figures which also had to be considered. "He must've worked mighty steady," he told himself time and again in a voice that was small with awe.

"We might paint in white between the beams, covering the beams themselves with green," suggested Harriet. "That would be pretty," agreed the guardian, tilting her head to one side and regarding the ceiling reflectively. "Yes, it would be very artistic. Have we any green paint?" "We'll have some," answered Jane promptly. "What shade?" "Grath green," suggested Tommy. "Olive," suggested Hazel.

He would be off the next moment, the trigger was yielding, and with a sudden stiffening of every muscle I added the final pressure as the notch in the rear-sight and the center of the body came for a moment in line. I heard no explosion one rarely does when watching the result intently but there was a red flash from the tilting muzzle, and the heel-plate jarred my shoulder.

"Dear, innocent-wise enthusiast," thought Saxham, "dreaming over your impossible plan for regenerating the world! Beloved child-Quixote, tilting at the Black Windmills, how dare I, who was once the Dop Doctor of Gueldersdorp, love you and seek you for my own? Madness madness on the face of it!" But, madness or sanity, he could not choose but love her.

"I suppose a hollow does look pretty high, to a man down a well," he retorted, glancing into his teacup because he felt and was resisting an impulse to look at her. "One can always keep climbing," she murmured, "and never give up " Miss Josephine, also, was tilting her teacup and looking studiously into it as if she would read her fortune in the specks of tea leaves there.