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"No one will dispoot ye, Soot, especially when Lone Wolf and a score of spalpeens appears in front of ye, and whin ye turn about to lave, ye find him and a dozen more in your rear. That was a smart thrick was the same; but if he hadn't showed himsilf in both places at the same time, we would have stood a chance of giving him the slip, as we had good horses under us."

Be jabers, that's too bad! Where's the shpalpeen that ought to be doin' his thrick of grindin' wather?" "I sent him for'ard about three-quarters of an hour ago," said I, "to tell you that I wished to speak to you; and the loafing blackguard never returned. But what has been the matter in the forecastle, and how came you with that wound in your cheek?"

"Jawn, th' la-ads have got th' thrick iv freein' Ireland down to a sinsible basis. In th' ol' days they wint over with dinnymite bumbs in their pockets, an' ayether got their rowlers on thim in Cork an' blew thimsilves up or was arristed in Queenstown f'r disordherly conduct.

'Tis a sorry counthry an' fit f'r no woman, but whin Terence must come on some mysterious business av th' government, an' niver, till this minute, accushla, do I know whut it is, a cryin' shame 'tis, too, wid me, his devoted wife! I must come along or die. Wurra! Many's th' time I thought I'd do th' thrick here!

"Did th' sting bad, me baughal?" "Ded no, not aany," I said. "Did ye squeeze thim tight?" "I put m' Dah's socks on m' han's." "Aye, that's a good thrick." Anna had a mouth that looked like a torn pocket. She could pucker it into the queerest shapes. She smacked her thin blue lips, puckered her mouth a number of times while Anna emptied and refilled the can.

Look at his shadow on the wall forninst us." "Hould yer tongues, boys," said Traynor; "jist keep never mindin', and, be me sowks, I'll make him sup sorrow for that thrick." Traynor, however, had gone out while he was speaking, and in a few minutes dragged in Brady, whom he caught in the very act of eaves-dropping.

Slavin came near, and said earnestly, 'It was a dirty thrick altogether; you'll not think it was moine, Mr. Graeme. 'No, no, Slavin! you stood up like a man, said Graeme cheerfully. 'And you bate me fair; an' bedad it was a nate one that laid me out; an' there's no grudge in me heart till ye. 'All right, Slavin; we'll perhaps understand each other better after this.

"Yourself, you murderer!" I replied. "Ho!" said Ned, getting quite stout, "is that you, neighbor? Come, now, walk out wid yourself out of that coffin, you vagabone you, whoever you are." "What do you mane, Ned, by spaking to it that-a-way?" the rest inquired. "Hut," said Ned, "it's some fellow or other that's playing a thrick upon us.

"Well, that's worth knowing, Tim," I said, disappointedly. "Did you learn anything else?" "There's jist one thing that you forgot, yer honour." "What is it?" I asked. "Begorra, you forgot that if all the brains in the bunk-house wor put together they cudn't think of a thrick like that the thrick of cleaning a window wid stuff from a dhrugstore! They aint got brains." "Why haven't they?"

"'Tis long sence the thrick has been worked through," he mused, turning his plug of tobacco over in his hand, looking for a likely place to sink his stained old teeth. "Ye'll be kapin' mum about what's in yer mind, young feller, ef ye don't want to bring the dom Forest Service on yer trail. Ef it was me, I'd buy me a bag of salt fer me mines I would thot." "Well, by George!" The professor stared.