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But I expect the Colonel was there. He's upstairs in the Mayoralty, dining. He's quite an old man, but I've heard father say he was as brave as a lion when the fighting happened." The girl climbed off the gun. "I'm going to have a look at him," she said; and turning her back on Taffy, she sauntered off across the square, just as the band struck up the first note of the overture from Semiramide.

Over all was the faint violet haze of the season, hanging above the gay old garden like a delicate effluvium from autumns long decayed. "There aren't many old-time gardens left," said Nicholas regretfully, "but I like this one best of all. I always think of you in the midst of it." "Yes, we used to gather calacanthus blossoms and trade them for taffy at school. The bushes are almost all dead now.

Bending over him was a tall, gaunt woman with a thin, determined face and snapping black eyes, and, standing beside her with a steaming bowl in her hand, was the nice rosy lady who had given him the taffy on the boat! When he opened his eyes, Miss Salome knew him. "Why, it's the little boy I saw on the boat!" she exclaimed. "Well, you've come to!" said Clemantiny, eyeing Chester severely.

Taffy, leaning his back against it, could scarcely feel his feet touching ground. Humility unfastened the door, looking white and anxious. Before they could close it again, the wind swept a big dish off the dresser with a crash. Taffy slept soundly that night. He did not hear a knocking which sounded on the house-door, soon after eleven o'clock.

I had, indeed, took the liberty of telling the manciple that you was not a gentleman to give more trouble than you could 'elp. Fried sole, pot of tea, toast, pot of blackberry jam, commons of bread " Mr. Blenkiron disappeared. Taffy sprang out of bed and ran to the open window in the next room.

Taffy enough for every one, amber-coloured taffy slabs with nuts in it, cream taffy in luscious nuggets, curly twists of brown and yellow taffy. Oh look, there's another plateful! and it's coming this way. "Have some more, Danny. Oh, take a bigger piece, there's lots of it." Was it a dream?

At length he withdrew his eyes, and reading the name "Oriel Street" on an angle of the wall above him, passed down a narrow by-lane in search of further wonders. The clocks were striking three when, after regaining the High and lunching at a pastrycook's, Taffy turned down into St. Aldates and recognised Tom Tower ahead of him. The great gates were closed.

Taffy, pulling on the rope, looked down upon Honoria's upturned face and saw the glimmer of starlight in her eyes; but neither guessed her thoughts nor tried to. It was only when they stood together on the cliff-side that she broke the silence. "Look," she said, and pointed upward. "Does that remind you of anything?" He searched his memory.

And beyond the last rise lay the land of wonders, George's country. "Hark!" Honoria reined up. "Isn't that the cuckoo?" Taffy listened. Yes, somewhere among the hillocks seaward its note was dinning. "Count!" "Cuckoo, cherry-tree, Be a good bird and tell to me How many years before I die?" "Ninety-six!" Taffy announced. "Ninety-two," said Honoria, "but we won't quarrel about it.

I expect it's someone sent from Tresedder farm; and if so, he'll want to see your father alone." Mr. Raymond frowned. "No," he said; "the time is past for that." A fist hammered on the door. Mr. Raymond threw it open. "Brigantine on the sands! Half a mile this side of the light-house!" Taffy saw across his father's shoulder a gleam of yellow oilskins and a flapping sou'-wester hat.