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Nash, and he, looking at Eliza, recognised in a dull way something in her appearance which made him think her a finer woman than he had formerly supposed, and, pulling off his hat, he made her a stiff bow. Eliza spoke only to Mr. Hutchins: "I shall be gone about four hours; I am going to the Rexfords to tea. You'd better look into the dining-room once or twice when supper's on."

Sam nodded and waddled off. Trent threw a biscuit and hit his companion on the cheek. "Here, wake up, Monty!" he exclaimed. "Supper's come from the royal kitchen. Bring your plate and tuck in!" Monty struggled to his feet and came meekly towards where the pot stood simmering upon the ground. "I'm not hungry, Trent," he said, "but I am very thirsty, very thirsty indeed. My throat is all parched.

She had been bemoaning and bewailing the cruel fate that had overtaken "that dear boy," and had just asked for the seventh time how he could stand it, when from the hall below came: "Supper's ready, supper's ready, Hurry up or you'll be late. Then you'll sure be cross an' heady, If there's nothin' left to ate." "Daniel, what in the world is the meaning of that?" she interrupted sharply. "That?

"Then why don't you say it?" "I done did. Dat's what I done. Supper's cold. But where am Massa Mark?" "What! Isn't Mark home?" cried Jack, starting back in alarm. "No, Massa Jack, we ain't seed him sence yo' two went off togedder. Where yo' all been?" "Mark not home!" gasped Mark. "Where is Professor Henderson, Wash? I must speak to him at once." "He am out in de shed wif Massa Roumann."

Young as she was, she realized that the nervous breakdown of these later years was wholly due to that common misery of "the square man in the round hole." She folded her finished sheet in accurate lines and laid it away taking her mother's also. "Now you sit still for once, Mother dear, read or lie down. Don't you stir till supper's ready."

Surely I heard the chink of dishes on a tray! Supper's here at last, hooray! Come on, Ratty!" The Rat remembered that poor Toad had been on prison fare for a considerable time, and that large allowances had therefore to be made. He followed him to the table accordingly, and hospitably encouraged him in his gallant efforts to make up for past privations.

But what were you after here, Jeems? I'll have to tell him that, too, you know. Was it the Civil War treasure?" Jeems turned his head slowly. "No." Again the puzzled frown twisted his straight, finely marked brows. "What do Ah want wi' treasure? Ah don't know what Ah was lookin' fo'. Mah grandpappy " "Val, supper's ready," came Rupert's voice from the hall. Val half turned to go.

"Come along and see what good old Brownie's put by for us," said Norah, disappearing towards the house like a small comet. The boys raced after her. In the kitchen doorway Mrs. Brown stood, her broad face resplendent with smiles. "I was just beginning to wonder if any of you had fallen into the creek," she said. "You must be hungry, poor dears. Supper's ready." "Where's Dad?" asked Norah.

A sprinkle of snow was driving down the unpaved street before the biting wind, when Mrs. Hastings came out of a store in the settlement and handed Sproatly, who was waiting close by, several big packages. "You can put them into the wagon, and tell Jake we'll want the team as soon as supper's over," she said. "We're going to stay with Mrs. Ormond to-night, and I don't want to get there too late."

"Supper's ready, folks," announced Bob, the cook's helper, stepping softly through camp. Tom joined the other engineers, taking a few hasty mouthfuls. Hardly had the party gathered in the mess tent when 'Gene Black, bright and cheery, stepped in swiftly, nodding here and there. "Well, Rutter, I take it you are running the camp from now on?" asked Black. "Guess just once more," replied Jack.