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Updated: August 20, 2024

She'd read me from her own Bible whenever she came, an' now she's gone there'll be none at all to help me, for mother's dead an' dad's drunk, an' the sunshine's gone from Mike's sky intirely with Winnie, sir." A burst of sobs choked the boy; Brother Gordon passed on, after promising him a visit very soon, and made his way through the crowd of tear-stained, sorrowful faces.

The lone loon's call unto his mate The rustle of the quail, Announce the day as growing late, And sunshine's pleasures fail. Then out upon the quiet lake, In tiny birch canoe, Ageeluk and her lover make Their vows for weal or woe. In Chilkat tongue the lover sings, The song all lovers know, To dusky maid with copper rings, Where long, lank rushes grow.

The trouble was that she had torn in two his favorite picture of elephants in his animal book. The little girl was quite unaware of the mischief her chubby fingers had wrought, but she knew very well by the look of Master Sunshine's overcast face that in some way she had displeased him.

"O Light, that followest all my way, I yield my flick'ring torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine's blaze its day May brighter, fairer be." Jane took the second picture, and placed it in front of the first.

Then a rude lad threw a great handful of mud that spattered on Master Sunshine's back, and another cried, "Look at his bow-legs." Master Sunshine looked back at his tormentors, for the taunt was harder to bear than the mud itself. The boys were quick to see this, and a half dozen of them at once joined in the teasing chorus: "Did you ever see such legs? Before I'd have crooked legs like that?"

Errington, this first sunshine's as seductive as a pretty child makes one ready to do anything! Why, I saw an old crossing-sweeper just now sweeping nothing at all for it's as dry as a bone, you see and I had to fork out a sixpence; encouraged useless industry just because of the change in the weather, 'pon my word, eh?" Mrs. Errington's lips tightened ever so little.

And then, what do you suppose? Why, she just laid her tear-stained face up against his shoulder, and opened her rosy mouth in a great yawn, and dropped quietly off to sleep. But Master Sunshine's thoughts were not quite so care-free as Lucy's.

Clouds can not always lower, the sun must shine; Grief can not always last, joy's hour will come; Seize as you may, each sunbeam, make it thine, And make thy heart the sunshine's constant home. Nor for thyself alone, a sunny smile Carries a magic nothing can withstand; A cheerful look may many a care beguile, And to the weary be a helping hand.

The old Earth, frozen-hearted and bleached by wind and cold, and saddened by many a blighted hope, lay still and unresponsive under the coaxing breezes and the sunshine's many promises. The Earth knew what it knew, and if it were likely to forget, the red and white cattle on the hillside would remind it.

It took a great deal of Master Sunshine's time just to repeat Jacob's stories to Almira Jane; and he noticed that whenever he began to tell Jacob about what Almira Jane said Almira Jane was brought up on a Nova Scotia farm and knew everything about animals his listener would stamp on the barn floor to show his approval, and would listen to every word.

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