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The wind blew like a hurricane; the rain began to fall in perfect spouts. Just in the heart of the brattle the grating of the yett turning on its rusty hinges was but too plainly heard. "The're coming; cock the piece, ye sumph!" cried the laddie, while his red hair rose, from his pow like feathers.

As they were preparing to leave the school, the door opened a little and there appeared in the aperture the face of Tommy, tear-stained but excited. "I ken the word now," he cried, "it came to me a' at once; it is hantle!" The door closed with a victorious bang, just in time to prevent Cathro "Oh, the sumph!" exclaimed Mr. Lauchlan McLauchlan, "as if it mattered what the word is now!"

The carle has Jacobuses and Georgiuses baith, an ane could get at them; and sure I am, it's doing him an honour him or his never deserved at our hand, the ungracious sumph; and if he loses by us a'thegither, he is e'en cheap o't: he can spare it brawly."

The contrast between Lady Plinlimon and the girl, whose vision dominated his mind, rose up again sharply at sight of the printed name. Ass! That name did not apply to Rochester. To fit him with an appropriate pseudonym would be impossible. Fool, idiot, sumph Jones tried them all on the image of the defunct, but they were too small.

"Because he was just a sumph," answered Gavinia, scornfully. "If he had been like Fergus, or like the chield in 'Ivanhoe, he wouldna have ta'en a 'no. He would just have whipped her up in his arms and away wi' her. That's the kind for me, ma'am." "There is a fascination about them," murmured Miss Ailie. "A what?" But again Miss Ailie came to.

"'Parbleu! these Royalists would rather kneel than stand," said a voice, as they in vain essayed to make the old man place his feet under him; and ere the laughter which this rude jest excited ceased, a cry broke forth of 'He is dead! he is dead! And with a heavy sumph, the body fell from their hands; for when their power of cruelty ended, they cared not for the corpse.

It's a queer country, let alone minin', for the hill is full of those natural caves, an' the rivers an' the becks drops into what they call pot-holes, an' come out again miles away." "Wot was you doin' there?" said Ortheris. "I was a young chap then, an' mostly went wi' 'osses, leadin' coal and lead ore; but at th' time I'm tellin' on I was drivin' the waggon-team i' th' big sumph.

Gad! it wouldn't be a bad plot for a high-church novel." "I remember poor Byron, Hobhouse, Trelawney, and myself, dining with Cardinal Mezzocaldo at Rome," Captain Sumph began, "and we had some Orvieto wine for dinner, which Byron liked very much. And I remember how the Cardinal regretted that he was a single man.

Filthy Beast, Voles. I'm up against you, that's the plain truth. I'm going to cut you open, and show your inside to the British Public. They'll be so lost in admiration at the sight, they won't bother about the woman or me. They'll call us public benefactors, I reckon. You know men, and you know when a man is determined. Look at me, look at me in the face, you sumph " A knock came to the door.

An' gin ye come o' ane 'at cud play this fiddle as this fiddle deserves to be playt, ye'll do me credit. 'Ye min' what that sumph Lumley said to me the ither nicht, Sanders, aboot my grandfather? 'Ay, weel eneuch. A dish o' drucken havers! 'It was true eneuch aboot my great-grandfather, though. 'No! Was't railly? 'Ay. He was the best piper in 's regiment at Culloden.