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In our own day, it is only necessary to mention composers like Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Dr. C. Woods, Victor Herbert, Mrs. Needham, Dr. Sinclair, Norman O'Neill, and Arthur O'Leary; singers like Egan, Burke, Plunket Greene, John MacCormack, P. O'Shea, Charles Manners, and Joseph O'Mara; violinists like Maud McCarthy, Emily Keady, Arthur Darley, and Patrick Delaney; organists like Dr.

Lafayette College, Easton, points with pride to Pardee Hall, the gift of a man who began the life- battle without money or friends. Vanderbilt University, Stanford University, and scores of great schools go to prove that the great business men who endowed them, were not indifferent to culture and the needs of higher education.

"Not long afterward the Senator and Mrs. Stanford came back from the East and someone over in the Hall proposed that we give them a welcome home.

The point of junction is ten hundred and eighty-six miles west of the Missouri River and six hundred and ninety miles east of Sacramento City." Leland Stanford, Central Pacific Railroad. T. C. Durant, Sidney Dillon, John Duff, Union Pacific Railroad. No sooner were the ceremonies complete than there was a rush made to obtain souvenirs.

Why, Stan, I don't suppose that in all his life he ever did one single thing that was necessary or useful. He even had a man to help him dress. He is cultured and intellectual, and bright and witty, and clean and good-natured, possessing, in fact, all the qualifications of a desirable lap dog, and you can't help liking him, just as you would like a pretty, useless pet." Stanford chuckled.

"Then how do you happen to be here, and with Doctor Frank?" Kate laughed such a sweet, clear, happy laugh as she kissed Rose's wondering face. "For the very best reason in the world, Mrs. Stanford! Because I happen to be Doctor Frank's wife!" Rose sat, confounded, speechless literally struck dumb staring helplessly. "His wife!" she repeated. "His wife!" and then sat lost in overwhelming amaze.

Stanford Beale pushed back the microscope and seated himself on the edge of the bench. "You addressed me as Bridgers," he said, "you will find Mr. Bridgers in a room behind that stack of boxes. The fact is he surprised me spying and was all for shooting me up, but I induced him to come into my private office, so to speak, and the rest was easy he dopes, doesn't he? He hadn't the strength of a rat.

Keap, who is looking after us a bit while mother is away. Roberta, may I present Mr. Covington's friend, and ask you to be good to him?" "Don't forget me," said Fresno, pushing into the light. "Mr. Berkeley Fresno, of Leland Stanford University." "Hello, Frez!" Speed thrust out his hand warmly. Not so the Californian. He replied, with hauteur: "Fresno!

Also, that would give her another day to make sure it was for real. She knew it was, but it wouldn't hurt to sleep on it one more night. In the morning, she wrote to the Dean at Stanford, requesting a leave of absence. It's my name, damnit, she said to herself. Every one has always called me 'Willow. I can't help it if Dad is a Brahms freak.

"After all," said Stanford, "I don't believe you ever were very far gone with Rose. My stately fiancée suits you better. If I take you at your word, and she rejects the baronet and the viscount, you might try your luck." "It would be worse than useless. I might as well love some bright, particular star, and hope to win it, as Miss Danton. Ah! here she comes!"