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"That stair-rail," he said in deep satisfaction. "That'll do it!" He tore bed linen from his bunk and worked on the emptied cannister. It was a double container with a thermware interior lining. Even on Earth newly-mined diamonds sometimes fly to pieces from internal stress. On the Moon, it was not desirable that diamonds be exposed to repeated violent changes of temperature.

His knees were shaky, his pulse feeble, his head top-heavy. He declined assistance rather sulkily, and descended holding by the stair-rail and stepping gingerly. Number Two, in spite of his genial, unruffled temper, could not repress his surprise, as the apparition passed the parlor-door. "A rum customer! Ha!"

Then while Nixon trembled and succumbed inwardly to this spectacle of a gentle-hearted woman transformed by some secret and overwhelming emotion into an image of vindictive delight, her hands left the stair-rail and flew straight up over her head in the transcendent gesture which only the greatest crises in life call forth, and she exclaimed with awe-inspiring emphasis: "God could not have been so merciful!"

Then, at Caleb's reply, which went hurtling back at him, the girl was crouching, white and still, and clutching at the stair-rail. "Party! Attempt! Because you did not pull the trigger are you any the less guilty?" "Do you believe that I would murder the man my girl loves?" Dexter Allison moaned now. Barbara gasped at the deadly anger which crossed Caleb Hunter's face.

'Confound his impudence! muttered Squeers, rapping the stair-rail impatiently with his cane. 'Nickleby! 'Well, sir. 'Send that obstinate scoundrel down; don't you hear me calling? 'He is not here, sir, replied Nicholas. 'Don't tell me a lie, retorted the schoolmaster. 'He is. 'He is not, retorted Nicholas angrily, 'don't tell me one.

"I think you will see him coming down on the stair-rail." She did not wait to hear any more, but, with a tremendous scream, rushed by me, bolted into the front room, and closed and locked the door behind her. I certainly did not wish the reptile to bite her or her children; but I did not think there was much danger of the villain getting out of the room through the opening I had made in the door.

Esther threw them into his arms, and darted out, closing the door, and hung over the stair-rail. There was no light, but she could hear the heavy footsteps coming up. Nearer they came, and nearer, stumbling, and Solomon's step behind, as he followed the priests, grumbling and protesting. Now they were almost opposite the door of the room where Nicholas crouched waiting.

Only one thing showed. "I say," said Stephen, one morning, sliding by Ruth on the stair-rail as they came down to breakfast, "do you look after that piousosity, now, mornings?" "No," said Ruth, laughing, "of course I can't." "It's always whopped," said Stephen, sententiously. Barbara got up some of her special cookery in these days.

She remembered him crawling, at the acme of her terror, through the slit of the window; saving her from the Dutch woman; turning his back while she dressed; leaping like a heaven-sent devil over the stair-rail; fighting Ockley with his fists and refused to remember that same enemy brought utterly to an end of his enmity.

This may prove our final meeting, indeed, I fear it must be; surely, then, it need not be so brief a one?" She paused irresolute, one white hand resting upon the dark stair-rail, her face turned partially aside so I could only guess at its expression. "Our final meeting?" She echoed my words as though scarcely comprehending their meaning. "Yes," I said, rising and standing before her.