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She kept her eyes closed, and in a moment she would have been snoring again, but Sweetest Susan continued to shake her and called her until she squalled out: "Who dat? What you want? Oh, Lordy!" "Wake up, Drusilla," said Sweetest Susan, "I want to ask you something." "Ain't I 'wake? How kin I be any 'waker when I'm 'wake? Oh, is dat you, honey? I wuz skeer'd 't was dat lil' bit er ol' 'oman.

Early in his speech the sliding door that separated the cattle-pen from the kitchen proper had to be closed, because the jostling crowd jabbered so much and inconsiderate infants squalled, and there did not seem to be any general desire to hear the President's ethical views.

I'm a lady and I have me rights first!" She struggled and squalled when the officer set his palms against her to push her away. Morrison dropped the Governor's hand, broke off his "duty speech," and with rueful smile pleaded for tolerance from the Corson party. "Hush, Mother Slattery!" he remonstrated. "Ah, that's orders from him as has the grand right to give 'em!

He set up a terrible clamor. And he made Henrietta Hen angrier than ever, for he cried out in a loud voice something that would have displeased anybody. "A skunk is after me!" he bawled. There was a terrible hubbub in the henhouse. The Rooster squalled so loudly that he waked up every hen in the place.

Cherry Valley lay a sunken mass of blood-wet cinders; Wyoming had gone up in a whirlwind of smoke, and the wretched Connecticut inhabitants were dead or fled; Andrustown was now no more, Springfield, Handsome Brook, Bowmans, Newtown-Martin all these pretty English villages were vanished; the forest seedlings already sprouted in the blackened cellars, and the spotted tree-cats squalled from the girdled orchards under the July moon.

But the racket he made was as nothing compared with the uproar of Jasper Jay and the noisy crew he had brought with him. They squalled with delight as Timothy Turtle plunged through the air like a stone. And when he landed upside down in the creek, striking the water with a great splash, the whole company shrieked louder than ever. "Ha! ha! ha!" Mr.

She turned upon me suddenly, in a petty rage, and scratched me, tore my hair, and sank her sharp little teeth deep into my forearm. I lost my temper. I did not injure her, but it was undoubtedly the soundest spanking she had received up to that time. How she yelled and squalled. The Chatterer, who had been away all day and who was only then returning, heard the noise and rushed for the spot.

"Here are your broomsticks," an imp replied. "They've been in the place you know so long They smell of brimstone uncommon strong; But they've gained by being left alone, Just look, and you'll see how tall they've grown." And where is my cat? "a vixen squalled.

The other girl grinned and nodded, the word was passed around, and they all came forward a little way in the grass with a timid air. Their inquisitive eyes sought to pierce the obscurity of the shack. Ambrose, not yet knowing what was expected of him, kept in the background. The fat girl, prompted and nudged by Nesis, suddenly squalled something in Kakisa, which convulsed them all.

"There, jewel machree!" she continued to Andy, soothingly, "don't take on you that way don't be afeerd, you're among friends Jack is only dhrunk dhrinking your health, darlin', but he adores you." Andy screeched. "But don't be afeerd, you'll be thrated tender, and he'll marry you, darlin', like an honest woman!" Andy squalled. "But not to-night, jewel don't be frightened."