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But he made no attempt to seize his weapon with his left hand. Luke Tweezy picked himself up from the floor where he had thrown himself a split second before the shot. Luke Tweezy's leathery face was mottled yellow with rage. "I'll get you ten years for this!" he squalled, pointing a long arm at Racey. "You started this fight! You tried to murder him!" "Oh, say not so," said Racey.

"The taxicab?" "By Jove, I was forgetting! Best news you ever heard of! Tillie married and has a baby all in twenty-four hours! Boy they named it Le Moyne. Squalled like a maniac when the water went on its head. I I took Mrs. McKee out in a hired machine. That's what happened to my capital." He grinned sheepishly. "She said she would have to go in her toque. I had awful qualms.

And the old women looked at the young mothers and laughed, and said that they could remember the days when they were christened when they were babies themselves, no bigger than the little Nikolai who swung in the basket and squalled, or slept proudly, just as if he knew that all the world belonged to him because he was so very young.

When Morrison, not realizing that the man had become little short of a maniac, stooped to pick up the garments Krylovensky dove forward and struck the mayor's face with open hand. "Now throw me to your dogs! I'll die a martyr to my cause!" he squalled. The mayor snapped upright and laid restraining hands on the man who was threatening him with doubled fists.

The big gate at the mouth of the bridge squalled on its rusty hinges. "You mustn't shut that gate you mustn't!" shrieked the little woman. She ran and clutched at his sturdy arms. "That's my brother that's coming! You'll break his neck!" The gate was already half shut, and the doughty skipper kept on pulling at the rope. "Can't help it, ma'am, if it's the apostle Paul," he gritted.

To tell the truth, Will always was teasing us, but if he crooked his finger at us we would bawl. We bawled and squalled from morning till night. Yet we fairly worshiped him, and cried harder when he went away than when he was home. WILL was not long at home.

With a resounding plunge the elephantine quarry struck the water and was gone. The tiger cat, forced to relinquish its hold or drown, swam hurriedly back to the bank below the encampment, where it roared and spat and squalled in a blood-chilling paroxysm of baffled fury. And though every man was awakened, not one left the flimsy shelter of his net.

The Judge was a little bit gloomy for a day or two after, and more testy with every one than usual. He locked up the papers; and about a week after he asked his housekeeper, one day, in the library: "Had your husband never a brother?" Mrs. Carwell squalled on this sudden introduction of the funereal topic, and cried exemplary "piggins full," as the Judge used pleasantly to say.

"Miss AM ABEL AD E LINE AM MA BY," prompted the nurse. "Amabel!" said the little Jan, softly. But, after this feat, he took a fit of childish reticence, and would say no more; whilst, deeply resentful of the liberties Jan had taken, Miss Amabel Adeline Ammaby twisted her features till she looked like a gutta-percha gargoyle, and squalled as only a fretful baby can squall.

Major Monkey's wrinkled face seemed somewhat pale. "Quite true!" he agreed again. "But I'm not sure we're strong enough to do anything against these ruffians down below. I'm not sure that I can depend on the army in a pinch." To the Major's great alarm, Mr. Crow squalled with rage. "You've insulted me!" he shrieked. And he made such a commotion that Major Monkey scampered off, beckoning to Mr.