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It was thus that Colonel Ashley kept the salient facts of his problems before him as he worked. Between them Viola Carwell and Harry Bartlett told the colonel such facts leading up to the death of Mr. Carwell as they knew. They spoke of the day of the big golf matches, and the exhilaration of Mr. Carwell as he anticipated winning the championship contest.

Flora Carwell ran up the stairs now, and snatched her little girl, hardly seven years of age, whom she met on the lobby, hurriedly up in her arms, and carried her into her bedroom, without well knowing what she was doing, and sat down, placing the child before her. She was not able to speak.

It was not until he had purchased his ticket and was about to board the last Jersey Shore train, to take him back to the 'scene of the death of Horace Carwell, that Colonel Ashley, as he caught sight of a figure in the crowd ahead of him, seemed galvanized into new life.

"Why didn't Mr. Blossom attend to this?" asked Captain Poland, a bit sharply, it would have seemed to a casual listener. "That was his place. He knows all about Mr. Carwell's affairs." "I asked the clerk from the office why Mr. Blossom did you ever hear such an absurd name as he has? LeGrand Blossom I asked the clerk why the matter was not attended to," went on Miss Carwell, "and he said Mr.

I'm glad you have colored help. I can always get along with that kind. I've been used to them since a boy in the South." And so Viola and Miss Carwell went away.

And a little later, when the jury filed in, it was to report: "We find that Horace Carwell came to his death through poison administered by Jean Carnot, alias Jean Forette, with intent to kill." And a little later, when the grand jury had indicted him, the man's nerve failed him completely, because his supply of drug was kept from him and he babbled the truth like a child, weeping.

It was not until she asked her mother who this man was, and observed her scared face as she questioned her more minutely upon the appearance of the stranger, that she began to understand that she had seen something unaccountable. Mrs. Carwell took the key of the chair from its nail over the footman's shelf, and led the child by the hand up to the hall, having a lighted candle in her other hand.

See you again, Captain;" and with a friendly nod she left the somewhat chagrined yachtsman. When Captain Poland had parked his car he took a short cut along a path that led through a little clump of bushes. Midway he heard voices. In an instant he recognized them as those of Horace Carwell and Harry Bartlett.

Well, Miss Carwell has a mind of her own, I fancy." "Indeed she has! She's more like her mother used to be. I remember Mrs. Carwell when I was a boy. She was a dear, somewhat conventional lady. How she ever came to take up with the sporty Horace, or he with her, was a seven-days' wonder. But they lived happily, I believe." "Then Mrs. Carwell is dead?" "Oh, yes-some years. Mr.

It seems that a year or so ago he inherited eleven thousand dollars. He invested half of the money in copper and made quite a little on the deal. Then, a short while before Carwell died, he got Blossom to lend him some money, which he was to pay back inside of a month or two. When Carwell's death occurred, Blossom was in financial difficulties on account of the demands of Morocco Kate.