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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Oh, no, sir;" and Miss Butterworth pressed on, conscious that in that kind inquiry there breathed as genuine respect and sympathy as ever had reached her ears in the voice of a man. "Because," said the man, still walking along at her side, "I'm spilin' to do somethin' for somebody, and I wouldn't mind thrashin' anybody you'd p'int out." "No, you can do nothing for me.

If you expect to paint them English, as you have the Blue-Noses and us, you'll pull your line up without a fish, oftener than you are a-thinkin' on; that's the reason all our folks have failed. 'Rush's book is jist molasses and water, not quite so sweet as 'lasses, and not quite so good as water; but a spilin' of both. And why? His pictur was of polished life, where there is no natur.

An' de time passed, an' de breakfast were ready an' spilin'. So I tole John how he better go up an' see if ole marse was well, how maybe he didn' feel like gettin' up an' might want to take his breakfas' in bed. But Lor! I nebber participated sich a sarious 'tack as dis. Well, den, John he went an' rapped soft like. But he didn't get no answer. Den he rap little louder. But still no answer.

Is this part of it?" "Part of it's part of it; the rest ain't. You come, 'fore you do any more spilin'. Come, now." Mr. Ginn went. At the head of the back stairs he paused. "You'll sing out if you need me?" he asked. "You will, won't you? You'll only have to sing once." He tramped heavily down. Gertrude walked over to the victim of the "mistake" and its consequences.

You must have been to some water-cure or have used some kind of elixir of life, was his first greeting. "'No, sir, replied the General; 'I have been marching, and it has brought me out wonderfully. "'Yes, it has. Well, Jennie, I saw David, Dr. James and Henry. They are all well and "spilin'" for a fight. David thinks that his brigade can thrash the whole rebel army.

"Sure an' if y're spilin' for a batin' I'm not the chap to privint you; but, if you must foight, why ye'll have to do it fair an' square. Misther Gray-ham, sorr, jist give me the burrd as made the rumpus, I've a little cage in me bunk that'll sarve the poor baste for shilter till ye can get a betther one. It belonged to me ould canary as toorned up its toes last v'y'ge av a fit av the maysles."

"Old Sawbones made a mistake with his morning cocktail, and mixed a lot of wormwood with it," said one of the "convalescents," in an undertone to those about him. "This awful hot weather's spilin' most everything," said another, "and the old man's temper never was any too sweet." Dr. Moxon came up to Rachel, and regarded her for an instant very unpleasantly.

It must hev been like pullin teeth fer Deacon tew pay aout cash fer work seein ez he's made his debtors dew all his farmin fer him this five year, but he hed tew come tew 't, fer his rowen wuz a spilin, an nary one o' his debtors would lif a finger 'thout bein paid for 't."

Nevertheless in the conversation that broke out again with the relighting of the lamps and the comments, congratulations and reminiscences that were freely exchanged, Yuba Bill preserved a dissatisfied and even resentful silence. The most generous praise of his skill and courage awoke no response. "I reckon the old man waz just spilin' for a fight, and is feelin' disappointed," said a passenger.

Disarming him, he placed the revolver at his head and triumphantly exclaimed: "Now, gol durn ye, you're my prisoner. I'd like to blow the top o' yer head off fer spilin' my dinner, but I won't do it this time. But you jist git up 'n' come 'long with me!"

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