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Updated: August 7, 2024

His eyes returned to their proper position, likewise his hands. His heart was perfectly light again as he turned to go back to the house. When he had gone a few steps he came back. "D'ye want that catapult very much, Meg?" he said gently. "You're only a girl, so I don't 'spect it would be very much good to you, would it?" "No, I don't want it.

Patty spoke so whole-heartedly there was no doubt of her sincerity, and Azalea looked grateful and pleased, yet, she looked troubled too. "Oh, Patty, you're too good to me," she said, "you don't know I don't deserve your faith and loyalty." "Oh, I 'spect you do," and Patty caressed the shining brown hair. "No, I'm all unworthy "

"Oh yes, Missus," replied Holly, "if you'll only 'tice the old cat somewhere and shut her up. She'd 'spect suthin' if she saw me, and there'd be no gittin' rid of her; and if she once ketched us at the bisness, she'd scratch our very eyes out cats is always dreadful skeery about their kittens."

"Jimmy," said Samson, "if it's ever known in Prencess Anne as I 'spect it never will be, fur we're in bad hands, neighbor dar'll be a laugh instid of a cry, fur ole boxin' Samson, dat was kidnapped an' fetched to jail by a woman!" "You licked by a woman, Samson?" "Yes, Jimmy, a woman all by herseff frowed me down, tied my hands an' feet, an' brought me to dis garret.

"'Spect he don't like de meetin's, nohow," said Maria. "But does he tell all the people they must not come?" "I reckon he make it oncomfor'ble for 'em," Maria answered gravely. "Dere is no end o' de mean ways o' sich folks. Know he ain't no gentleman, nohow!" "What does he do, Maria?" I said, trembling, yet unable to keep back the question.

That's a queer name." "'Spect that ain't all of it. There's some more, but I've forgot what 'tis," the boy replied, carelessly. "And where's your home, Tode?" "Home? Ain't got none. Never had none no folks neither." "But where do you live?" "Oh, anywheres.

"Why, daddy Jake, you should not take it so hard," said Mr. Garie, with an attempt at cheerfulness. "You'll see us all again some day." "No, no, massa, I'se feared I won't; I'se gettin' mighty old, massa, and I'se gwine home soon. I hopes I'll meet you all up yonder," said he, pointing heavenward. "I don't 'spect to see any of you here agin."

She was just trying to get acquainted." "Yes?" replied Mary Jane doubtfully, "but you see I'm not used to getting acquainted that way. I 'spect she wouldn't hurt me, but she didn't act like she wouldn't hurt me," she added. Grandfather threw back his head and laughed at that. "No, she didn't; you're right, Mary Jane! She acted pretty bad.

Interviewer: Miss Irene Robertson Person interviewed: William Henry Rooks Baptist Preacher; Brinkley, Arkansas Age: 84 The slaves didn't spect nothing but freedom. Jes freedom! In Africa they was free as wild animals and then they was so restricted. Jes put in bondage for no reason at all. No plantations was divided. I was born a slave and I remembers right smart how it was.

But the moment she was left alone, her quick, observing eyes saw something which gave her a thrill of delight. It was a jar of quince jelly, which had been left by accident on the lower shelf. "'Cause I spect I likes um," said she, serenely, after eating all she possibly could. At the end of half an hour grandma came and turned the key.

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