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"I am going to Kiel to sink one of their largest battleships, and see if that will wake them up. We shall be under way in ten minutes and should be there by eight-thirty o'clock. I have ordered 'Specs' to get under way as soon as possible."

"She ain't got her specs, I guess, and thinks I'm Heman. That comes of ridin' astern of a span, Peabody." But as they drew near the Center flags were flying from front-yard poles. Some of the houses were decorated. "What in the world " began Captain Cy. "Land sakes! look at the schoolhouse. And Simmons's! And and Simpson's!" The schoolhouse flag was flapping in the wind.

"Now wot's dis yeah niggah to do?" He lashed the wheel fast and sought advice from Luke Peterson, who was feeling stronger every minute. The burly lumberman shook his head dubiously. "In trouble for certain," was his comment. "Didn't hear any pistol shots, did ye?" "Didn't heah nuffin, sah." "They wouldn't remain on board of that craft of their own free will." "Don't specs da would, sah.

"I believe 'twas her I saw walkin' with Bailey a spell ago. I thought so, but I didn't have my specs and I wan't sure." "With Bailey, hey? Humph! this is serious. Hope Ketury didn't see 'em. We mustn't have any scandal." The housekeeper entered the dining room. She was singing "Beulah Land," but her tone was more subdued than usual. They heard her setting the table.

I had to be content to look at him the one I mean from the window, see him in the church or passing up and down the street. They had up Dr. Brash at me I mind his horn specs, and him looking at my tongue and ordering a phlebotomy. What I wanted was the open air, a chance of youth, and a dance on the green.

I ain't up in the religion business myself; there ain't likely to be any wings sproutin' 'round where I'm at, but I can tell a minister from an alligator seven days in the week, an' without specs, too, an' the first time I laid eyes on that chap you've got now, I knew he wasn't the sort that made folks hop along to Heaven any faster than they wanted to go."

"When my missus inwites pussons to de ball, my missus 'specs dem ar gemmens what is inwited to presarve dar qualifications. If gemmen am gemmen den dey don't cum'd to my missus's ball to suffocate her!" said Bowles, expressing himself, and assuming an air of injured dignity.

Yo' know, Sandy, I ain't had my specs fitted yet an' so I couldn't fin' out about the picture an' it's been right upsettin' to me all day." Sandy took the crumpled paper Martin produced from an inside pocket and began to read the hair-raising tale. Toward the end he discovered it was a serial which left the hero, at the most breathless point, still hanging.

But I kep' naggin at him, till I specs he got tired of my tongue, an' he went and buyed dis piece ob lan'. Dis house war on it, an' war all gwine to wrack. It used to belong to John's ole marster. His wife died right in dis house, an' arter dat her husband went right to de dorgs; an' now he's in de pore-house. My! but ain't dem tables turned. When we knowed it war our own, warn't my ole man proud!

"Well," sez I, "Josiah, every country has its own strange ways; we have ourn." Sez he, "How you would scold me if I wuz to wear my hat when we had company, and here it is manners to do it, and take off your specs. Why should I take off my specs to meet Elder Minkley?" "Well," sez I, "there hain't anything out of the way in it, if they want to."