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He can argue that the cattle kills themse'fs sort o' commits sooicide inadvertent an' if we-all trades up on him with the beef, he insists on his innocence, an' puts it up that his cuttin' in on the play after said cattle done slays themse'fs injures nobody but coyotes. "'Doc, coincides Enright, after roominatin' in silence, 'Doc, the longer I ponders, the more them theories seems sagacious.

"Things is werry slack vith me, nothing in the murder line this veek, and only vun sooicide, a couple o' 'ighvay robberies, and a 'sault and battery! You can scrag me if I know v'ot things is coming to. And then, to make it vorse, I 've jest 'ad a loss as vell." "I'm sorry for that, Mr. Shrig, but " "A loss, sir, as I shan't get over in a 'urry.

His ration swallowed, Jan showed an inclination to roam again, though his team-mates, with ears pricked and hackles rising in answer to the wolf-calls, huddled about as near the camp-fire as they dared. "H'm! 'Tain't jest like you to be contemplatin' sooicide, neither; but it seems you've got some kind of a hunch that way to-night. Come here, then," said Willis.

That's the fact; bites himse'f, an' never lets up till he's dead. "It don't seem to astound Jim an' Bill none when the rattlesnake 'sassinates himse'f that a-way, an' I reckons they has this yere sooicide in view. They keeps pesterin' an' projectin' about ontil the rattlesnake is plumb defunct, an' then they emits a whirlwind of new whoops, an' goes over to one side an' pulls off a skelp dance.

We will wed an' pop'late the earth with terror! Where is the sooicide who'll stand in my way?" "'At this p'int the Purple Blossom leaves off dancin' an' fronts up to me, personal. ""Whoopee!" he says; "say that you don't love the girl an' I'll give you one hundred dollars before I spills your life!"

Weller, heedless of this rebuff, 'the blessedest boy as ever I see in MY days! of all the charmin'est infants as ever I heerd tell on, includin' them as was kivered over by the robin-redbreasts arter they'd committed sooicide with blackberries, there never wos any like that 'ere little Tony. He's alvays a playin' vith a quart pot, that boy is!

We gains what comfort we can from sw'arin' a lot, an' turns to the hopeful footure for the rest. Thar's one time, however, when Wolfville gets wrought up. "Which the Wolfville temper, usual, is ca'm an' onperturbed that a- way. Thar's a steadiness to Wolfville that shows the camp has depth; it can lose without thinkin' of sooicide, it can win an' not get drunk.

Pore dear, it do seem cruel!" sighed the cook. "And 'is young lady false to 'im, and all. I wonder he don't do away with hisself," sobbed the housemaid. "I do, reely!" "With all them wicked knives and deadly bottles handy," added the cook. "Not him!" said Tait. "I'm ready to lay any man the sporting odd against him committing sooicide. He's not the sort. Lord! what was that?"

If I couldn't laff at most of the folks that live in this town, I'd be tempted ter commit sooicide that's right! And you air one of the most amusin' of the lot, Massey. Them other committeemen run ye a clost second." "Oh! I can't stop here and fool with you all day, Walky Dexter," snapped the druggist, pretty well worked up by now. "I tell ye this gold piece is a clue " "Mebbe," said Walky.

"'Thar, concloods Dan, 'is what I regyards as a parallel experience to this Tom an' Jerry. The lady plays Jerry's system from soda to hock, an' yet you-all can see in the lights of that thar sooicide how deep she loves him. "'That's all humbug, Dan, says Enright; 'the lady you relates of isn't lovin'. She's only locoed that a-way.