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That was her greeting. Melora Meigs was snuffling in the hallway outside listening, I suppose. "Oh, yes, you can. If you can't I'm sure Joel Blake will. I've come to stay a while, Miss Somers." "Can you eat porridge and salt pork for supper?" "I can eat tenpenny nails, if necessary. Also I can sleep in the barn." "Melora!" The old woman entered, crooked and grudging of aspect.

One day, coming home from his work at the peat bog, he found the elders snuffling and sighing over their afternoon meal. Peer wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked what was the matter. The eldest son shoved a spoonful of porridge into his mouth, wiped his eyes, swallowed, and said: "Poor Peer!"

They watched Jack closely. The little fellow snatched the bright coin in his snuffling, awkward fashion, and, when it was clutched in his fingers, made a furious shove, intending to drive it into his mouth. "Hold on," called Jack, in alarm; "I didn't give it to you to eat; I don't believe you can digest it." Just then the little fellow began to kick, cough, and fling himself harder than ever.

Hurstwood gazed at it a moment, snuffling and hunching one shoulder, as if something were scratching him. He was so run down, however, that his mind was not exactly clear. He approached that entrance and went in. "Well?" said the attendant, staring at him. Seeing him pause, he went over and shoved him. "Get out of here," he said. "I want to see Miss Madenda," he said.

Archie regarded the sufferer with the grave eye of the expert. He shook his head. "It's not that," he said. "Dogs with distemper make a sort of snifting noise." "But he IS making a snifting noise!" "No, he's making a snuffling noise. Great difference between snuffling and snifting. Not the same thing at all. I mean to say, when they snift they snift, and when they snuffle they as it were snuffle.

Mrs Verloc was startled. “You’ve been getting wet,” she said. “Not very,” Mr Verloc managed to falter out, in a profound shudder. By a great effort he suppressed the rattling of his teeth. “I’ll have you laid up on my hands,” she said, with genuine uneasiness. “I don’t think so,” remarked Mr Verloc, snuffling huskily.

"Didn't ye 'ear the dorg, mum?" said Liza. "What dog?" "The Farver's dorg. It was scratching at the front dawer afore I was up this morning. 'It's the milk, sez I. But the minute I opened the dawer up it came ter the drawerin' room and went snuffling rahnd everywhere." "Where is it now?" "Gorn, mum." "Did anybody else see it? No? You say no? You're sure?

"Vouldn't it!" replied Jack, mimicking his snuffling voice; "then shtay vere you are, and be cursed to you." "It's all up," muttered Thames. "Mr. Wood will be intercepted. I've destroyed my only chance." "Not your only chance, Thames," returned Jack, in the same undertone; "but your best. Never mind. We'll turn the tables upon 'em yet.

He bewails to Charles, in snuffling heroics, "Our sorrow and our crime To have accepted life so long a time, Without you here." A weak man, put to the test by rough and angry times, as Waller was, may be pitied, but meanness is nothing but contemptible under any circumstances. If it be true that "every conqueror creates a Muse," Cromwell was unfortunate.

They sat, the boys on one side and the girls on the other, on long benches and were wrapped up in studying their communion-book and listening to an old nun, who explained it to them in drawling, snuffling tones. After that, they had to say their lesson, one by one; and this all went so quietly, so modestly, so easily, 'twas as if they had the open book before them.