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I've brought you three dozen eggs and ten pounds of pork." Nella-Rose almost said po'k not quite! "And you must be mighty generous with me when you weigh out let me see! oh, yes, pepper, salt, and sugar." "I'll lay a siftin' more in the scale, Nella-Rose, on 'count o' yo' enjoyin' ways. But I can't make this out" he was counting the eggs "yo' said three dozen aigs?"

"Go slow, Corney." But Mr. Quilty dismissed this preliminary objection with a wave of his hand. "Thim's figgers iv speech. I assume yez are innocent until yez are caught. Faix, it's not me'd give th' hot tip iv a warnin' to a crim'nal. But whisper now! Th' comp'ny is for siftin' this outrageous outrage to th' bottom, an' then liftin' th' bottom to look under it.

Fire!" shrilled young Sam Brown Galloway, bouncing out of his father's store, and jumping up and down in the middle of Main Street. "The jail's afire! The jail's afire!" Men added their shouts to his childish squalls and ran toward the jail. Racey and Swing trundled along the sidewalk together. "She's afire, all right," said Racey. "Lookit the smoke siftin' through the window at the corner."

Saltoun both turned their heads. Someone was riding toward them along the trail from the direction of the Lazy River ford Racey had caught the clatter of the horse's hoofs on the rocks of a wash wherein the trail lay concealed. "Siftin' right along," said Mr. Saltoun. Racey nodded. Horse and rider slid into sight above the side of the wash and trotted toward them.

Miss Ophelia lifted out the sifting papers of sweet herbs. "I wish Missis wouldn't touch dem ar. I likes to keep my things where I knows whar to go to 'em," said Dinah, rather decidedly. "But you don't want these holes in the papers." "Them 's handy for siftin' on 't out," said Dinah. "But you see it spills all over the drawer." "Laws, yes! if Missis will go a tumblin' things all up so, it will.

Bickford," said Joe, "the time has come when we are to try our luck." "Yes," said Joshua. "Looks curious, doesn't it? If I didn't know, I'd think them chaps fools, stoopin' over there and siftin' mud. It 'minds me of when I was a boy and used to make dirt pies." "Suppose we take a day and look round a little. Then we can find out about how things are done, and work to better advantage."

The light was a shinin' and a siftin' down through the green leaves, in a soft golden haze, and the music seemed to go right up into them shadowy, shinin' pathways of golden misty light, a climbin' up on them shadowy steps of mist and gold, and amber, up, up into the soft depths of the blue overhead up to the abode of melody and love.

As we wended our way along we met several water-carriers with leather bottles, jest such a one as Hagar took with her and Ishmael out in the desert, and it wuz on this same desert whose sands wuz siftin' in about us every chance it had that she lay the child down to die and angels come and fed him.

"Oh, damn the penny of the reward ever I'd finger, even if I knew the whole conflagration," said Mat; "but lave the siftin' of the children wid myself, and if I can get anything out of them you'll hear from me; but your honor must keep a close mouth, or you might have occasion to lend me the money for my own funeral some o' these days. Good-morning, gintlemen." The gentlemen departed.

Yaller gal fine; She may be yone but she oughter be mine! Hi my rinktum! Lemme git by, En see w'at she mean by de cut er dat eye! Ho my Riley! better shet dat do' De w'ite folks 'll bleeve we er t'arin up de flo'. Den it's ho my Riley! Come a siftin' up ter me! En it's hi my rinktum! Dis de way ter twis' yo' knee! Hi my rinktum! Ain't de eas' gittin' red?