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'Hold her head a little up t' ease her breathin' while I go for master; he'll be for sendin' for t' doctor, I'll be bound. Sylvia took her mother's head and laid it fondly on her breast, speaking to her and trying to rouse her; but it was of no avail: the hard, stertorous breathing grew worse and worse. Sylvia cried out for help; Nancy came, the baby in her arms.

The children are nice children enough, but have they got any folks anywhere, 'n' what kind of folks, 'n' where'd they come from, anyhow: that's what we've got to find out, 'n' I guess it'll be consid'able of a chore!" "I don't know but you're right. I thought some of sendin' Jabe to the city to-morrow." "Jabe?

"When these two fine people before you set up their hearthstone, a-swapin' it I'll be, and carin' for their youngsters; but, Judge, I would like a bit of the shamrock. Ye might be sendin' me a start of that, if it would plase Your Honor." Judge Whiting looked intently at Katherine O'Donovan. And then, as if they had been on the witness stand, he looked searchingly at Linda.

"Halt, ye villains! halt!" cried Tim, "or I'll be afther sendin' a shot among ye that'll make a hole in one of your backs." Tim's threat produced no effect, and away went our brave party, tumbling over each other; and certainly, had the Redskins been close at hand, every one of us would have been scalped.

"You heard, I suppose?" says he. "Uh-huh," says I, sort of husky. "And I presume you understand just what that means?" he goes on. "I am expected to call and explain about those roses." "Well?" says I. "Why not stand pat? Sendin' flowers to a young lady ain't any penal offense, is it?" "As a simple statement of an abstract proposition," says Mr.

"I didn't notice, not havin' on my readin' glasses. So it's Bob's, is it?" "Yes," answered Celestina, eyeing the neat parcel curiously. "Whoever's sendin' you a bundle all tied up with white paper an' pink string, Bob? It looks like it was jewelry." Quickly Willie sprang to the rescue. "Oh, Bob's been gettin' some repairin' done for the Brewsters," explained he.

He says he don't forget you and little Cissy, you bet! and he's sendin' money to old Ricketts straight off. He says don't you and Cissy mind whether school keeps or not as long as big Brother Dick holds the lines. He says he'd have written before, but he's bin follerin' up a lead mighty close, and expects to strike it rich in a few days.

P'raps if we'd been sensible parents, we should 'ave smacked 'er and put 'er back next day; but as it was we hugged 'er, and we hugged each other till we was all out o' breath, and then she set up on 'er daddy's knee, and 'ad a bit o' cold pork and a glass of ale for 'er supper along of us, and there was no more talk of sendin' 'er back to school.

"Well, when Phil Packard died he did it like he'd done everything else, like he had lived, makin' a man think he was in a hurry to get a job over an' done with. Ridin' horseback one week an' the nex' week sendin' for me in there." He jerked his head toward a remote room of the big house. "An' he talked to me then about you." Packard waited for him to go on, offering no comment.

"Sendin' me to look up them two Keswicks, who was both put down as cordwainers in year before last's directory, and askin' 'em if there was any Juniuses in their families." "Junius Keswick, did you say? Is that the name of the gentleman Mr Candy was looking for?" "Yes," said the boy. Presently the cashier remarked: "I am going to look at the books."