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Updated: August 16, 2024

Landor, half a classic and half a Romantic, had been too much the slave of phrase, though of a great phrase. Wilson, impatient in everything, had fluctuated between grandeur and galimatias, bathos and bad taste; De Quincey, at times supreme, had at others simply succumbed to "rigmarole." Mr.

I counted on leaving before you arrived. I miscalculated, that is all. Awkward for both of us, but unintentional on my part." "I don't believe half of that rigmarole," snapped Brinnaria. "It is all true, nevertheless," Calvaster asserted with an air of injured innocence. "One thing is plain, anyhow," Brinnaria declared. "You bribed one of my slaves. Which one did you bribe?"

We are, indeed, glad to hear this; the office cannot possibly be better bestowed; and thus, so far as relates to his father, at least, may valuable public services in critical times be ever appropriately rewarded!" "Well, Fergy, what do you think of our friend Swiggerly now?" "In God's name, sir, what does all this rigmarole, in which there is scarcely a word of truth, mean?"

She was tolerably civil to Storchel: and the difference of behaviour must have been designed, for she not only looked at Storchel in a way to mark the difference, she addressed him rather eagerly before we turned on our heels, to tell him she would write to him, and let him have her reply in a letter. He will get some coquettish rigmarole.

"If you want my opinion, I consider that there is just as much imagination in that story as in the morbid rigmarole you threw at us last night," persisted the Lawyer. "Why," declared the Critic, "I call mine a healthy story compared with this one. It is a shocking tale for the operating room I mean the insane asylum."

Nay, the narrative, as detailed by Nozdrev, even reached the point of his mentioning certain of the postillions by name! Next, the tchinovniks sounded him on the question of Chichikov's possible identity with Napoleon; but before long they had reason to regret the step, for Nozdrev responded with a rambling rigmarole such as bore no resemblance to anything possibly conceivable.

"Spare me, I pray, a rigmarole which cannot affect me. Besides, I do not blame you particularly. I know the heart of man too well not to be sure, that, in acting thus, you have followed much less the inspirations of your own heart than the suggestions made by my daughter." It might have been very dangerous for Henrietta to allow the count to cherish such thoughts.

Particular attention should be paid to the transmutation of Antony's funeral oration into French alexandrines. In Voltaire's version, the climax of the speech is reached in the following passage; it is an excellent sample of the fatuity of the whole of his concocted rigmarole: ANTOINE: Brutus ... suis-je? O ciel! O crime!

I have not tasted a bit of food this day; and if you turn me from your door, and if my daughter will not see me, I must die of hunger in the street; for I would rather perish than accept another morsel from my ungrateful and shameful children." The part of all this rigmarole which appealed to Master Boltay most strongly was that this worthy woman had eaten no food that day.

I kin stan' it fer ter be up all night, but Bill wus tellin' me we might hav' som' trouble down ter the Landin' unless we finished up our job yere afore mornin'." "Oh, I reckon not; whut was it Bill said?" "Quite a rigmarole frum furst ter last. Giv' me a light fer the pipe, will yer?"

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