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"I'd just as soon be rid on 'em; they've got to come down some time," said Packer, stung by this bold taunt. "I ain't goin' to give you a present o' half their value, for all o' that." "You can't handle 'em yourself, nor nobody else about here; there ain't nobody got proper riggin' to handle them butts but me.

"Now, if that su'thin' had kep' quiet, I do believe that I'd have gone about-ship an' showed her my heels, but that su'thin', whatever it was, set up my dander. `Now then, says I, `haul taut the main brace! Up wi' the t'gall'nt-s'ls an' sky-scrapers! "England expects," etceterer! "Afore you could say Jack Robinson, I was along side grapplin'-irons hove into her riggin', and a broadside fired.

"Indeed, I don't believe there is, Farmer Hartley," replied Hilda, laughing merrily; "at least I never saw one like it. It is pretty, I think, and so comfortable! And where are you going this morning with the mammoths?" "Down to the ten-acre lot," replied the farmer. "The men are makin' hay thar to-day. Jump into the riggin' and come along," he added.

"And out o' that web of riggin' and small spars, and slattin' canvas, and other gear, I seen a man's body hurled into the air. It was Snowball, the man. Bill his right name was. "Flung himself, he did, clean out o' the ship and as she heeled back to starboard he shot down, feet first, straight as a die, and made a hole in the sea not ha'f a cable's length from me and nearer the dog than I was.

"She'll ride with the rag-sack-and-bottle peddler just as quick as she would with the minister; she always sets beside the St. Vitus' dance young one at Sabbath school; and she's forever riggin' and onriggin' that dirty Simpson baby! She reminds me of a puppy that'll always go to everybody that'll have him!" It was thought very creditable to Mrs.

They've all heard about it; some o' the boys that was here with the riggin' went down to the store last night, and they was all tellin' how you stood right up to Ferris like a king, an' drove him. You see, they're all gratified on account of having you put a stop to Ferris's tricks about them pines," he repeated.

"Nothing alive there eh?" Young Zeb, with a glass at his left eye, answered "Nothin' left but a frame o' ribs, sir, an' the foremast hangin' over, so far as I can see; but 'tis all a raffle o' spars and riggin' close under her side. I'll tell 'ee better when this wave goes by." But the next instant he took down the glass, with a whitened face, and handed it to the parson. The parson looked too.

There was a kind of let-up in the storm jest afore I got here, and they see her fast on the shoal with the crew in the riggin'. Luther took the small boat 'cause he thought he could handle her better, and that's what's worryin' me; I'm 'fraid she's overloaded. I was jest thinkin' of goin' out on the p'int to see if I could see anything of 'em when you folks come." "Well, go ahead.

"I've had my eye on that riggin' for the last day or two; it wants settin' up badly, and I'll attend to it at once."

Said you was a good feller and might help wise me to things in the store here till I'd l'arned her riggin' and how to sail her proper." Cap'n Joab was frankly pleased by this. He spelled out the note Cap'n Abe had addressed to him slowly, being without his reading glasses, and then said: "I'm yours to command, Cap'n Silt. Land sakes! I s'pose your brother had a puffict right to go away.