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"Stealing hearts ain't no harm." "Well, just the same, I'm goin' to issue a writ of replevin, an' try for to git mine back," laughed Slim. He was about to slip his arm about her waist when she turned and faced him. The action so disconcerted him that he jumped backward, as if the girl was about to attack him. "Where is it?" asked Polly. Slim, deeply in earnest, replied: "You know it's hid.

You can tell him you will give up the case entirely, and ask him to return the proofs you want. I may decide to have a detective within hearing, so that if he refuses you these things, we can use the detective as a witness in a replevin suit. Most likely he will demand quite a sum, but it is best to pay it if we can get the proofs. I will advance money enough to cover what he is likely to ask.

"Oh, you're too funny! It's none of your business how it all happened. I'll get even with you. I'm sorry I haven't a warrant for your arrest, instead of a writ of replevin for a horse, you!" "See here; don't you me, sir, or I'll finish you up right here, in less than one minute!" He then quieted down, and after serving the writ, took possession of the horse, before leaving for Sturgis.

Contracts, notes and bills, torts, replevin, and ejectment all those things were easy. But when I got to Chitty, the girl's face would always get on the page and stick there. So one night, seeing that I was gone, I took Chitty on Pleading, girl's face and all, and screwed it shut, tight and fast in the letter-press. I allowed she couldn't get out of there! Then I pulled my freight.

I don't quite see the use of your having gone with a writ of replevin after goods that I were bought to be sold again as soon as might be." "Such old stuff isn't worked off in any such haste as that. It's as I tell you word was got around to her that the writ had been issued. The place was all turned upside down; the things had been hidden away." "Who could have told her?"

The ordinance declares, that no appeal shall be allowed from the decision of the State courts to the Supreme Court of the United States; and the replevin act makes it an indictable offence for any clerk to furnish a copy of the record, for the purpose of such appeal.

Gentlemen like you come into this country to deal, replevin, or what not, and we say to you all, 'Don't tread on us that is all. We shall not look into your parcels, nor lie awake of nights to hear alarms; but harm Isaac and Jacob Cannon one ha'pence and levari facias, fi. fa.!" "And fee-fo-fum," ejaculated Jimmy, cheerfully; "I've hearn it before."

Against such a force as the sheriff may, and which by the replevin law of South Carolina it is his duty to exercise, it can not be expected that a collector can retain his custody with the aid of the inspectors.

Oh, things will not come to such a pass as that! What are the prosecutions?" "They will soon begin; Jardine has already threatened me." "They are going to begin? Then they have not begun. If he does, as we presume he will, proceed by a replevin, we shall have sufficient time before the judgment. Do you owe anything to your landlord?" "The lease expired on the fifteenth." "Do not pay it."

On looking over the shoulders of the men we saw our customer, the lightning-rod man, standing there holding his pitchfork in one hand and valise in the other. We were about to crowd in when we heard him say: "Well, if I can find them I shall have them arrested and replevin the horse." Frank and I then held a short consultation.