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They say she generally names the name of the party that is to die; but there is no case known of the sick person ever recoverin' afther she has given the warnin' of death." "It is a strange and wild superstition," observed Woodward. "But a very true one, sir," replied the cook; "every one knows that a Banshee follows the Goodwin family." "What! the Goodwins of Beech Grove?" said Harry.

"'My grandfather comes plenty near forfeitin' then good opinions of the Gen'ral, though. It's the next day, an' that ancestor of mine an' the Gen'ral is recoverin' themse'fs from the conversation of the night before with a glass or two of tanzy bitters, when a lady, who descends on the boat at Madison, comes bulgin' into the gents' cabin.

On Thursday 'e was in 'orspital recoverin' from 'is sanguinary encounter with a gang of Pathans, an' B Comp'ny was drinkin' 'emselves into Clink by squads. So there never was no Thursday p'raid. But the Kernal, when 'e 'eard of our galliant conduct, 'e sez, 'Hi know there's been some devilry somewheres, sez 'e, 'but I can't bring it 'ome to you three."

Dheah Gratihias!" she exclaimed, "he's not he's not an' I was afeard he was no, he's recoverin'. Shake him; rouse him a little; Fardorougha, dear!" "Where where am I?" exclaimed her husband; "what is this? what ails me?" He then looked inquiringly at his wife and O'Brien; but it appeared that the presence of the latter revived in his mind the cause of his excitement.

However, as we said, I'll drop it; for indeed, dear Mave, I have enough that's sorrowful and heartbreakin' to spake about, over and above that unfortunate subject." "I hope," said Mave, "that there's nothing worse than your own illness; an' you know, thanks be to the Almighty, you're recoverin' fast from that."

But it's all the goodness and kindness of your affectionate heart; put it out of your head, however don't name it, or let us hear of it again." "But, father, it's a duty that our religion teaches us." "Why what's come over you, Mave? all at wanst too you that was so much afeard of it that you wouldn't go on a windy side of a feverish house, nor walk near any one that was even recoverin' from it.

'Ez careful ez I could be. I had to scoop the stuff outer holes in the wet floor o' the drive where I'd puddled it away in the mud. 'Ain't there a chance fer him not a single hope? 'Oh, yes, but it's a bad un fer us if he recognised you. There's the chance o' him recoverin', an' draggin' himself out o' the water. Hullo! what in hell's name's happenin' now?

It warn't when the likker wuz in Bill that Bill wuz at his best, but when he hed been on to one uv his bats 'nd had drunk himself sick 'nd wuz comin' out uv the other end of the bat, then Bill wuz one uv the meekest 'nd properest critters you ever seen. An' po'try? Some uv the most beautiful po'try I ever read wuz writ by Bill when he wuz recoverin' himself out'n one uv them bats.

In the field, an' you a-cryin' for lonesomeness?" I answered nothin'; but put up my hand an' pulled back the sheet from the dear dead face. "My God!" was all he said, an' he staggered back to a chair an' sat in it for five minutes without a word, his face in his hands. "Madam, forgive me! I never dreamed of such a thing," he cried at last, recoverin' himself; "an' when an' how did it happen?"

"If had tobacco," said the old man, "I didn't care that would keep the hunger off o' me; but it's poor Mary, here, now recoverin' from the sickness, that I pity; don't cry, Mary, dear; come here, darlin', come here, and turn up that ould creel, and sit down beside me.