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"I trust in God's mercy it won't," replied Honor; "for till his heart, poor man, is brought more to God " She paused with untaught delicacy, for she reflected that he was her husband. "For that matther, who is there," she continued, "that is fit to go to their last account at a moment's warnin'? That's a good girl, Biddy; give me the feathers; there's nothing like them. Dheah Gratihias!

Darby put us all out o' the kitchen to have pace an' quietness about him." "An' 'twas well thought o' Darby," she replied; "an' may the blessin' o' God rest upon him for it! A male's mate or a nights lodgin' he'll never want under my father's roof for that goodness to him. I'll be quiet." There was now a short pause, during which those in the room heard a smack, accompanied by the words, "Dheah.

Dheah Gratihias!" she exclaimed, "he's not he's not an' I was afeard he was no, he's recoverin'. Shake him; rouse him a little; Fardorougha, dear!" "Where where am I?" exclaimed her husband; "what is this? what ails me?" He then looked inquiringly at his wife and O'Brien; but it appeared that the presence of the latter revived in his mind the cause of his excitement.

Grashthias! throth I'm the betther o' that sup, so I am. Nothin' keeps this thief of a configuration down but it. Dheah Grashthias for that! Oh, thin, this is the stuff! It warms the body to the top o' the nails!" "Don't spare it, Darby," said old Reillaghan, "if it does you good."