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Could anyone oblige me with a comb, fragmentary or whole?" He continued his banter as we mounted the stairs of the cozy little hotel, whose windows overlook the core of the great throbbing heart of Paris, and so until we were alone in my room, whither he had followed me. "Quick's the word," he said, as he shut the door, and took several articles from his hat-box, "and no more palaver.

"She had help, of course," explained the old passenger, quickly. "Who helped her?" cried Ruggles, in a husky voice. "An old woman, who got on and off at the last station quick's wink."

Hereupon I stooped above my captive and set the flat of my blade to his forehead just below his thick, red hair. "Look'ee, dog!" I panted, while he glared up at me beneath his bruised arms, "Set so much as a finger on yon pitiful brat again and I'll cut a mark in your gallows-face shall last your life out." "His throat, cully quick's the word!" breathed a voice in my ear.

The end of that adventure was that presently I tripped up over a skeleton and found myself lying half stunned amidst trays of treasure, affectionately clasping a skull under the impression that it was Quick's boot. He hauled me up again somehow, and, as we did not know what to do, we sat down amidst the dead and listened.

On a certain day it was reported that a band of Indians had been seen in the neighborhood, and what with drink and the taunts of his friends, he was impelled to take his rifle and set out once more on the war-path. A settler heard a shot fired not long after. Next day a neighbor passing Tom Quick's cabin tapped at the door, and, receiving no answer, pushed it open and entered.

Soon, who can tell how soon? we shall be as these are," and she shuddered. "Meanwhile, we breathe, so let us make the best of breath. You have seen your fee, say, does it content you?" "What fee?" he asked. "Death, the reward of Life? How can I tell until I have passed its gate?" Here this philosophical discussion was interrupted by the sudden decease of Quick's lamp.

That's the whole story, an' I guess Steve takes it as a warnin'. Any way, he ain't no friend to rum nor swearin', Steve ain't. He knows Pretty Quick's ways shortened his mother's life, an' you notice what a sharp lookout he keeps on Rufus." "He needs it," Ike Billings commented tersely. "Some men seem to lose their wits when they're workin' on logs," observed Mr.

Day's come; Phœbus has blown out the sky candles! Quick's the word! 'Life is short, and art long." Then he began threatening Bruno and Buffalmacco he would come and start them out with a bucket of cold water, jeering and asking them: "Is your bed so delicious, eh? Have you got Helen of Troy there, you're so loath to quit the sheets?" Meanwhile he was slipping on his hose and his old, worn hood.

"'Ow should I know?" exclaimed the ostler, his manner losing all respect as he observed Anthony's general down-at-heel appearance. "I didn't think to open 'er mouth nor yet ob-serve 'er teeth " "That'll do, my lad, that'll do " "Oh, will it an' all why then, git out o' this yere yard. Who are you t' ax questions out wi' ye an' quick's the word!"

You are the lightest and the nimblest, so lead on, and I will follow. 'All right, brother, said Toby, 'quick's our play; only lets keep close together, that's all; and so saying with a bound like a young roe, he cleared a brook which ran across our path, and rushed forward with a quick step.