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"When he makes a swing with that, the point goes in solid and sticks. "Right! It is a log," he announces. Killam tests it, and he says it's a log, too. "An old palmetto trunk," says he, proddin' at it. "Two of them, one laid on the other. No, three. I say, that's funny. Let's clear away all of this stuff."

Mary stared at him; a brief vivacity was in his face as he spoke, a tone of certainty in his voice. "But," she cried, "you're alive." "Ay," he said. "I'm alive. That's the doin' of that Fish. He's the man; proddin' and workin' away there in that big room of his with the bottles and machines, and bits of dead men on the tables. 'E thinks I'm a bit touched in the brain, but I know, I do!

Even black Frank had got over his terror of having natives come up without warning and feel of his arm or his woolly head, though he muttered doubtfully, "Ah ain't sayin' as Ah likes it. Dah's su'thin' so kind of hongry de way dey comes munchin' an' proddin' round dis yeh ol' niggeh."

"'Shoot is the word, says Micky. "Hamilton romps the three furlongs in nothin' flat I'm tickled sick. "'He's a bear! I says to Micky at the stalls. ''N' as fur you you're on the pay-roll. "'Why, you're a live one, ain't you? says Micky. 'Wait till I go chase the Smoke! The next thing I see is Snowball goin' down the line like a quarter hoss, 'n' Micky's proddin' at him with a pitchfork.

"There's Uncle Fred, Willie!" squeals a fat woman next to me, proddin' me vigorous in the ribs. "Not mine, ma'am," says I. "Oh, excuse me," says she. "Why, there's Willie, over there. Hey, Willie! See Uncle Fred?" It was that way all around me, and me not even doin' the wave act. After awhile though, I spots Marjorie.

Course that was proddin' him a little rough, but I wanted to bring this thing to a head somehow. Made Gilkey squirm in his chair too. He begins rollin' his trousers down over the bandages and struggles into his coat. "I suppose you're right," says he. "I I think I will go in and see Mr. Pulsifer." "Wha-a-at?" says I. "Now?" "Why not?" says he, pushin' through the swing door. "Hey!"

Alice sat well back from the fire as the three men poured their coffee and helped themselves to the food. "Ain't you goin' to join us in this here repast?" asked Tex, with a smile. "I have eaten, thank you." "You're welcome like eight dollars change for a five-spot." In vain Endicott signalled the cowboy to keep silent. "Shove over, Win, you're proddin' me in the ribs with your elbow!

Say, Dook, if you don't git rustled off to Mexico an' roped to a cactus-bush you'll hev a swell story fer your English chums. Bah Jove! You'll tell 'em how you seen two old-time gun-men run like scared jack-rabbits from a lot of Greasers. Like hell you will! Unless you lie like the time you told about proddin' the lion. That there story allus "

It was one of them big, old-fashioned, clay-lined fire-places that goes right acrost the end of the room, with a twenty-five foot slab-an'-tin chimbly outside. Dave Regan was pretty wild about being had, an' we copped all the gals for darncin'; he couldn't get one that night, an' when he wasn't proddin' out his tooth with a red-hot wire some one was chaffin' him about Mrs Hardwick.

It lands on his solar every morning about nine o'clock, gettin' worse steady, and reaches perihelion along about eleven. He can tell the time of day by taste. One morning when his mouth felt like about ten-forty-five in comes a committee from Firemen & Engineers Local No. 21, with a demand for more wages, proddin' him with the intimations that if he didn't ante they'd tie up all his boats."