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We have certain rights as men, but we have duties, too, as creatures, and it ill-becomes us to prate about our rights, or the duties of others towards us, while we ignore the obligations we are under towards others and our first duty which is to God.

Ah! maidens care not to prate of their love affairs to matrons. Silly things! they would go their own course, and think for themselves! without knowing how to go, or what to think! The besetting sin of youth is presumption: but it is not your sin, my gentle girl; it was some species of modesty withheld your pen yet I heard it.

And so he began to prate of the smallness of human affairs, and how that even so slight a removal from earth made man and his works look like one tenth part of a dollar thrice computed. And that one should consider the sidereal system and the maxims of Epictetus and be comforted. "You don't carry me with you," said Daisy. "Say, I think it's awful to be up so high that folks look like fleas.

I would not come openly, because I know he loves mystery in all things, and likes not that the world should be able to prate of his interviews. But ask quickly, dear lady quickly, as ye would seek heaven!" "See you, Robin! The Protector see and counsel with you, Robin?" "Ay, dear lady the lion and the mouse the lion and the mouse only let it be quickly quickly."

He instantly dismounted, and gave a boy twopence to hold his horse, for he declared he was determined to hear the tinker PRATE. So he went into the church, and heard the tinker; but so deep was the impression which that sermon made on the scholar, that he took every subsequent opportunity to attend Bunyan's ministry, and himself became a renowned preacher of the gospel in Cambridgeshire.

Give us but our independence, allow us to take care of ourselves, grant us but a little strip of land like that of the Servians and Rumanians, give us a chance to lead a national existence, and then prate about our lacking manly virtues. Of course, it requires many years and a great expenditure of money to establish a nation on a firm basis.

"And that's what Norman says," answered the boy; "but I am sure it is not my fault if I do not practise enough; for, of free will, I would do little else, only my father and tutor are angry sometimes, and only Miss Lucy there gives herself airs about my being busy, for all she can sit idle by a well-side the whole day, when she has a handsome young gentleman to prate with.

Ludwig!" shrieked the Margravine. "Hold your prate, madam," roared the Prince. "By St. Buffo, mayn't a father beat his own child?" "HIS OWN CHILD!" repeated the Margrave with a burst, almost a shriek of indescribable agony. "Ah, what did I say?"

I, a stranger, a passer-by, know more of her life than she does and, in consequence, I am more truly she than she herself. After that let him who will prate of the feeling of identity and the consciousness of self.

"Pish!" interrupted Tarleton; "are you going, by your theoretical treatises on philosophy, to make me learn the practical part of it, and prate upon learning while I am supporting myself with patience?" "Pardon me! Mr. And now, Tarleton, I am at your service."