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They were soon beyond the reach of the guns. It was now night, serene and beautiful; the sea was smooth as glass, and the stars shone with unusual splendor in the clear sky. The poltroon monarch of all the Russias had not yet ventured upon deck, but was trembling in his cabin, surrounded by his dismayed mistresses, when the helmsman entered the cabin and said to the tzar,

Or what greater absurdity can there be than putting before us an old man as a swashbuckler, a young man as a poltroon, a lackey using fine language, a page giving sage advice, a king plying as a porter, a princess who is a kitchen-maid?

Having accomplished their undertaking, they were returning, each bringing, pendent by the legs, a flopping fowl. It is better to be a brave man than a coward, even in a bad cause. Fortune often favors brave men in the wrong in preference to aiding cowards in the right, for Fortune loves not a poltroon.

"A'll not take my fist t' y' as A wud t' a Man! Ye dastard, drunken, poltroon, coward, whiskey sodden lout an' scum o' filth, an'," each word was emphasized by the thud of the empty whiskey bottle wielded as a flail. "Look out, sir," warned Wayland, rolling from his horse in laughter, "you'll hurt something, with that bottle." "Hurt something? N' danger on this wad of fat an' laziness an' lies."

"And, besides, you speak only of my two blunders; you know my other parts, you know that by nature I am no poltroon." "That's no credit to you, sir it's the strong blood of Diarmaid; there was no poltroon in the race but what came in on the wrong side of the blanket I've said it first, and I'll say it to the last, your spirit is smoored among the books.

'Poltroon, she shouted to The Lifter, why do you not strike him down? 'That is all over now, Roland said, suddenly seizing the old woman and forcing a handkerchief into her mouth. This act was the signal for The Lifter, who at the same moment accorded similar treatment to Silent Poll. Roland bound the old woman, and The Lifter secured the young one.

Forgive me if I decline answering it." Miriam's eyes flashed fire. "You never cared for her!" she said, in fierce impatience. "You are a poltroon and a carpet-knight, like the rest ready with plenty of fine words, and nothing else! You asked her to marry you, and you don't care whether she is living or dead!" "Why should I?" said Mr. Ingelow, coolly. "She refused to marry me."

"Yes," answered Brenhilda, "and I have heard of the celebrated siege of Troy, on which occasion a dastardly coward carried off the wife of a brave man, shunned every proffer of encounter with the husband whom he had wronged, and finally caused the death of his numerous brothers, the destruction of his native city, with all the wealth which it contained, and died himself the death of a pitiful poltroon, lamented only by his worthless leman, to show how well the rules of chivalry were understood by your predecessors."

Doubtless it is but some new panic on the part of the King. God help us all now that we be ruled over by such a poor poltroon!" Cuthbert had caught the prevailing contempt for the foolish and feeble James that was shared by the nation in general, and London in particular.

This capture, coming close upon the heels of the pretended fight, enhanced the fame of my poltroon of a master, who had no more courage than a hare, but sustained his valorous reputation by treating and feasting; so that all the gains of his office, both fair and foul, were frittered away upon his false renown.