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But, in the midst of this spirited exchange of courtesies, our Gallic friend remembered that he had, or might have, another engagement, so he took his leave; and, as he had given us so many reasons to prevent our insisting to attend upon him, we parted en pleine mer, leaving us excessively annoyed that we were prevented from accompanying him any further.

" Je sais de quels appas son enfance etait pleine, Et n'ai pas entrepris, Injurieux ami, de consoler ta peine Avecque son mepris." Then in ecstacy, she exclaimed, "How beautiful that is! What harmony! How is it possible for any one not to admire such exquisite, such touching verses!

Il produisait, sur les yeux du public de ce temps, l'effet de la pleine lumière sur les yeux du hibou." There was more than one reason for this remarkable picture surprising and shocking the sensibilities of the public.

I can credit even the account of the dinner which Madame de Baviere affirms she saw eaten by Lewis the Fourteenth; viz. "quatre assiettes de differentes soupes; un faisan tout entier; un perdrix; une grande assiette pleine de salade; du mouton coupe dans son jus avec de l'ail; deux bons morceaux de jambon; une assiette pleine de patisserie! du fruit et des confitures!"

That lov'st the harping of the Gael, Through fair and fertile regions borne, Where never yet grew grass or corn. But English poetry will never succeed under the influence of a Highland Helicon. O vous, qui buvez, a tasse pleine, A cette heureuse fontaine, Ou on ne voit, sur le rivage, Que quelques vilains troupeaux, Suivis de nymphes de village, Qui les escortent sans sabots'

He should be deposited sur son maniveau, and be fairly asked his opinion, and forced to give it, one way or the other, en pleine assemble, for at present it is only we who can tell s'il est chair ou poisson. . . . Of Queensberry. See note . Thurlow.

Il n'était pas diplomate comme on le peut voir mais il avait de l'esprit, et sa conversation était pleine d'anecdotes curieuses. Il avait conversé avec Napoléon

Seated between these imposing pillars of the state, sat, in tribulation dire, a tall, awkward young man, in an elaborately-worked white smock-frock, stained with blood in front and upon the shoulders. He was the personification of rural distress. He blubbered a pleine voix, and lifted up and lowered his handcuffed wrists with a see-saw motion really quite pathetical.

La poussee, or, as this book poetically calls it, "that daughter of the waters of Loeche," "that eruption of which we have already spoken, and which proves the action of the baths upon the skin," becomes the object, and often the end, of all conversation. And it gives specimens of this pleasant converse, as: "Comment va votre poussee?" "Avez-vous la poussee?" "Je suis en pleine poussee"

The conversation conducted by Maraquita to a ceaseless bouche pleine accompaniment from her friends bore exclusively upon the subject. Paranoya had, it appeared, existed fairly peacefully for centuries under the rule of the Alejandro dynasty.