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And of course it was hardly to be expected they would confine their conversation altogether to a review of their misdeeds. The talk gradually became general, and occasionally even animated. "Guess Pil and I will have to shut up chemistry after this," said Cusack. Pilbury smiled grimly. "What do you call the beastly stuff?" asked Telson. "Sulphuretted hydrogen," said Cusack, briskly.

As soon as the poultice got chilled I took her arm out and cleaned it again, and wound it round with dressing, and had her ladyship carried bodily, still asleep, into her hut, and after rousing her up, giving her a dose of that fine preparation, pil. crotonis cum hydrargi, saw her tucked up on her own plank bedstead for the night, sound asleep again.

"Look here," he said, when presently Pilbury suddenly dropped one bottle with a crash to the floor, and began violently spitting and choking, "you promised you wouldn't touch anything, and I'll shut up if you go on fooling any more. Serves you right, Pil, so it does."

Mark felt an almost irresistible desire to laugh outright, but as the gratification of that desire might have cost him his head he did resist it successfully. "Now," continued the Prime Minister, with a darker frown, "we have got to the Pil Pil what is it?" "Pilgrim's Progress," answered the Secretary. "Just so the Pilgim's Progress.

"Oh, don't be riled," said Cusack; "the fact is, Pil and I came to see if you'd put us up to a thing or two in this sort of business." "We've gone on the steady, Phil, you know," explained Pilbury, in conciliatory tones, "and thought it would be rather jolly if we three worked up a little chemistry together."

Pil and I were too far behind to back you up, you know, or we would have, wouldn't we, Pil?" "Rather," replied Pil. "Why," said the captain, catching sight of the bruised and ragged condition of these young men of war "why, you've been knocked about a great deal more than I have." "Oh," said Cusack, "that was in the run up from Shellport, you know.

It blooms with heath and scented shrubs and stunted olive; and the white rock shining through the scattered herbage has a brightness which answers to the brightness of the sky. Of course it needs the sunshine, for all southern countries look a little false under the ground glass of incipient bad weather. This was the case on the day of my pil- grimage to Les Baux.

However, by a little judicious manoeuvring he got safe into his study, and, after a hasty consultation with Pil, decided to ask Curtis, Philpot, Morrison, and Morgan, their four most intimate friends, to do them the pleasure of joining in a small "blow-out" after third school.

Don't you notice something missing? Did you ever read the 'Pilgrim's Progress'?" "The Pilgrim's " "Breakfast is ready!" called Ann, teetering on her toes in the doorway. "The Pil " "And Aunt says will you please come at once so's the coff ee won't be cold!" chanted Ann. "Yes, Ann. We're coming." "But I want to know " "Old man, I'll tell you after breakfast. I want you to see me eat.

This river is likewise laid down in Ogilvy's map as Manhattan Noordt, Montaigne, and Mauritius river. Juet's Journ. Purch. Pil. The delectable accounts given by the great Hudson and Master Juet of the country they had discovered excited not a little talk and speculation among the good people of Holland.