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Several Americans at the Embassy were making impractical requests, as for instance that the American Ambassador demand that the French Government accept the passports or identification papers issued by the American Embassy here in lieu of permis de sejour.

I have a permis for the car to pass the frontier; you will probably meet father in San Remo he is taking a motor-cycle trip, aren't you, daddy?" Mr. Briggerland drew a long breath and nodded. He was beginning to understand. There was lying in Monaco harbour a long white boat with a stumpy mast, which delighted in the name of Jungle Queen.

I entered Dieppe in a heavy shower, and after finding an inn suited to my means and obtaining a permis d'embarquement from the police office, I went out to the battlements and looked again on the sea.

"Vos papiers, s'il vous plait!" Again I produced bundles of papers permis de sejour in Paris, Amiens, Rouen, Orleans, Le Mans; laisser-passer to Boulogne, Dieppe, Havre, Dunkirk, Aire-sur-Lys, Bethune and Hazebrouck; British passports and papiers vises by French consuls, French police, French generals, French mayors, and French stationmasters. But they were hardly satisfied.

Et pourquoi? Parce que, Monsieur, Miss Harriet tient a son tub ou tob la chose est anglaise; c'est permis pourtant a un galant homme d'en prononcer le nom comme il veut, ou comme il peut Or, quand elle voyage, Miss Harriet trouve, assez souvent, que le "tub" est une institution tout-a-fait inconnue a ses hotes. Que fait-elle donc?

"S'il est permis" says Delacroix, speaking of his Sardanapalus, "de comparer les petites choses aux grandes, ce fut mon Waterloo. Je devenais l'abomination de la peinture; il fallait me refuser l'eau et le sel." "If you wish to share the favors of the government," said an official to another artist, "you must change your manner."

"Your brother had deserted from the front that is the most difficult class of business we have to deal with we procured him a permis de séjour for fifteen days and a post in a safe place where no enquiries would be made after him." "And then?" I cried, trembling with curiosity. The Jew shrugged his shoulders, waving his hands to and fro in the air. "Then he disappeared.

I accordingly went through this indispensable ceremony in due form on my arrival here; but, having neglected to read a nota bene in the margin of the permis de sejour, I had not been ten hours in my new apartments before I received a visit from an Inspector of Police of the arrondissement, who, very civilly reminding me of the omission, told me that I need not give myself the trouble of going to the Central Police-office, as he would report my removal.

"Avant de quitter la montagne de la Gardette qu'il me soit permis de rapporter une observation qui peut-être n'est pas dénuée de tout intérêt pour les naturalistes; je l'ai faite dans une galerie

He felt in his pocket for the four sealed and stamped letters, but just then the old Michel spoke behind him: "Pardon, Monsieur! Ce n'est pas permis." "What is not permitted?" demanded Ste. Marie, wheeling about. "To approach that wall, Monsieur," said the old man, with an incredibly gnomelike and apologetic grin. Ste. Marie gave an exclamation of disgust.